
IT IS NOT NATE SILVER’S FAULT THAT PEOPLE DON’T UNDERSTAND PROBABILITIES. He gave Trump a higher chance of winning the presidency than the Cubs had of coming back and winning the World Series after Game 4 and we literally all JUST saw that happen. He doesn’t conduct the polls, he aggregates them, and there was no way


I came here to see if anyone had corrected this! We have a lot of awful things in LA no need to try to blame us for things that don't even go here!

Thank you. I was like, “how are we talking about KIIS FM and NOT taking an opportunity to rag on Ryan Seacrest. Also how did someone other than Ryan Seacrest get that interview?” Basically nothing made sense to me until your comment, so thank you for righting my day.

Yep, and they are the wooooooorst. Be glad you don't have them in LA.

Nothing is more popular in a North Carolina bar than “wagon wheel.”

These fetal burial laws are a one-two punch against progress. Not only does it punish women who receive abortions (or miscarry) in a heartless, state-sanctioned, forced-religion kind of way, but it denies anyone from donating fetal tissue for scientific research. Because you know, people with neurological disorders

Maybe when we have one of those really rough slightly late periods that makes you wonder “is this a miscarriage” we should just start packing the “remains” up and sending them to law makers in Texas. Let them figure out what to do with it. Wouldn’t want all that medical waste going into the sewer system now would we.

Nanaimo bars. The treat I want but won’t ever make because I’d eat them all.

I was having a debate in step with this the other night. My main point is that it’s troubling that Sanders is continuing a campaign supposedly to exercise the will of the people, but the people have spoken and they didn’t pick him. To continue on with this just shows he’s not really that different from every other old

The plot of Designated Survivor is like Battlestar Galactica without spaceships.


I’m also one of those nine percent. Throughout the past few months, I have flip-flopped and waffled all over the damn place. I think it’s okay to say that these are simply two solid yet deeply flawed candidates. Neither of them are revolutionaries, and neither of them are monsters. They’re just, well, politicians.

1) This dumb election has made every single politically minded person lose their minds and I can’t wait until it’s over

That wouldn't be a job because it would be so much fun it couldn't be work! No but seriously, that is super exciting. Thinking good thoughts for you.

Big congrats to the former 11th-most-wanted fugitive, for finally cracking the big Top Ten today!

I 100% don’t get the snark. Life can be lonely AF and not all of us like being glued to our Laptops commenting on Jezebel all day eating cheese and intermitenly checking out cats on Neko Atsume. Community living is great but hard to carry out in cities, as long as the price is reasonable this is a fab alternative

I dunno i get it tho

Hyzagi, pioneer of schlong-form journalism ...

If anyone needs an object lesson in why kids and young teenagers can’t give informed consent, this is it.