
My boyfriend is Canadian and when he first started dating here his friends teased him about looking for US citizenship and he was like “no, actually me getting them Canadian citizenship is my main selling point”

Isn’t it a little premature to announce he’s running before he even knows if he’ll be against the incumbent in the party he’s running for? Announce November 9, 2016, Ye, we’ll all have a more informed view of the projected political climate of the 2020 race then. I mean that’s just common sense.

Power to ya, girl. Sure this doesn’t have the joyful rewatchability of the videos for “Blank Space” or “Bad Blood” (YMMV, but I love those videos like the mini-movies they are), but if I were a superstar who could write off any experience as “for the music video, honest,” then running around in beautiful scenery while

My mom would always let me take lunchables on field trips (otherwise I was a hot lunch kinda girl) and those were my JAM. Cheese pizza lunchables? Where you make the first two with as teeny tiny amount of cheese as you could stand and then make the third one a MOUNTAIN OF CHEESE. And you’d get the capri sun and the

I worked at a Spirit store in 2007, and it was an absolute nightmare. We had an entire wall of costumes we called “the sexy teen section.” The store manager routinely sexually harassed me, up to and including ordering me to flirt with a customer buying an inflatable penis costume and pinning me against the wall at a

I’ve made it fun for me by making it all about the narrative I’m making up as I go along. I have 8 Families, all of whom are constantly jockeying for position—trying to breed the most heirs, uselful children, connect themselves to heirs of other families, etc. I have a 15-page document full of family trees, births,

I can’t wait for this to air. Namely because I pass this billboard every day on the way to work and it is the visual equivalent of nails on a chalkboard to me. I don’t know what it is about this picture. Her grimace? The gross smear of pink ice cream around her face? I just have this very visceral feeling of disgust

I want to believe.

Unmanicured fingers aren’t sad, Hilary Duff!!

If you check out his imdb page, he was a set PA for SIXTEEN YEARS before he starting getting breaks as a second second or add’l second director on “real” movies (Starting with The Lone Ranger—the other three before that look like no-budget vanity things). That’s really bizarre. This guy was obviously weird as fuck if

Even when opposed by the liberal media,

GROSS. I once had a similar thing happen to me—not passing a bill, but I wrote a science-based screenplay that I was looking for a technical advisor on, and the first guy I e-mailed—someone I knew, actually, who worked in the field—said he’d do it if I masturbated over the phone for him. I was so shocked I just never

I WOULD NOT PAY $650 TO DECLARE MY RADICAL FEMINISM BECAUSE I AM 100% AGAINST RADICAL FEMINISM. It makes me mad to see MRAs confusing feminism and radical feminism, and now it makes me more mad to see stuff being marketed to us making the same mistake!

Plot twist: I STOLE FROM EMPIRE. I’m an assistant on another major network show, and once when I was picking up lunch for the writers, I was accidentally given half of Empire’s lunch too. I tried to incite a rivalry between our shows over it via twitter, but they didn’t notice.

I used to genuinely read, now hate-read, Orson Scott Card’s review column. And I swear to God, every week he laments about something he otherwise liked that includes swearing, how he wishes this one author/tv writer/movie writer would learn that you don’t need to swear in order to have a good book/tv show/movie (the

Personally, I schedule my plans for maximum chance of being bumped. I love that sweet, sweet voucher money. I’d much rather volunteer than chance being bumped involuntarily!

My boyfriend works at Hulu! I’d send him this article but I don’t want to move to San Francisco (no offense to SF, I just work in TV so I can’t leave LA). Maybe Hulu will just follow Netflix’s lead.

I hate the Starbucks secret menu bullshit. None of it tastes like what it is supposed to taste like, it is just a gross mixing of various flavors. If you tell me I can get a Birthday Cake Frappucino at Starbucks, it had better fucking be with a new birthday cake syrup, not fucking hazelnut and vanilla syrups with

I was a camper until 2003, too! Maybe we were there at the same time at some point :)

If any of you are reading this now, I worked at Camp Texlake from 2004-2006, and then again in 2011. My camp name was Moo. My real name is Sam. Secret’s out!!