
My camp was super into pranks. We had this trailer that was the counselor break room, and in it were posters on the wall you could write on with things like “camper quotes,” “remember when?” “only at camp” etc. Well, my friends and I wrote “Remember when...we pranked Panda* and she didn’t notice?” on the board, and

I’d like to take a moment to appreciate how much more excited this guy is about sheep racing than the fact that he’s mere feet away from the prince.

I just want to mention that I had a kidney stone this week and it was the most excruciating pain I have ever felt! If someone told me that checking the clearness of my pee every day and doing pH tests of whatever would keep it from ever, ever happening again, I WOULD DO IT. (though I don’t know if that’s actually the

I played Mass Effect 3 as a newbie after all the DLC came out. I installed all of the DLC and forgot which missions were DLC and which weren’t....well, so I finish on Palaven, pretty low level, not a lot of powers, haven’t figured out how to upgrade my guns yet, etc, and Aria T’Lok is like “hey, wanna help me take on

I feel like as a camp counselor, I WASN’T allowed to apply sunscreen to kids. I had to make them apply it to each other.

I used to call Jake Gyllenhaal The Poor Man’s Tobey Maguire, but he’s become The Rich Man’s Tobey Maguire, and I think that’s beautiful.

I love birds rights activist more than anything else in this universe and all parallel ones.

It’s weirding me out that it looks like the exact same face was photoshopped from one picture to the other. His facial expression is virtually unchanged. It’s uncanny. Is he a statue?????

For the record, I work in TV, and Malia is probably not anywhere around when they’re filming those scenes. Sex scenes are usually “closed set” which means only the people ABSOLUTELY important to the scene (director of photography, focus puller, director, script supervisor, boom operator, actors) are allowed on set.

I mean I mostly do laugh about it. And the reaction to beat has always been when I was in sixth grade and was in this program where we escorted fifth graders around the school for a day. And I got assigned a boy and thought nothing of it until the day of when I showed up ready to escort this kid around, and I checked

I’m a woman who uses a traditionally masculine name, and it’s a lifelong problem for me. My last name is also very traditionally masculine, and I am very aware that people who have never met me usually assume I’m a man. But what can I do? Go by a name (Samantha) that isn’t what I call myself? Say “p.s. I’m a lady” at

Isn’t that appropriate for someone in a David Foster Wallace movie? The #1 thing people ask me when I tell them I used to work on a cruise ship is if I’ve read “A Supposedly Fun Thing I’ll Never Do Again” and yes, I have, but I haaaated how he made every innoucous thing sound like he was being tortured. Ugh.

I for one am grateful to this video for exposing the TRUTH, and by that I mean I unfriended two people who were super crazy about this video this morning.


I was keeping meticious notes about famly trees and SPECIAL inheritance in my vault, and I was going to do a statistical analysis about inheritance when I got to 100...but then my vault got wiped out so alas!

I had a Game of Thrones vault too! Iron Islands houses in water treatment, Reach houses in the diner, Crownlands houses in power, North houses in the wasteland, Dorne houses on the radio, and maesters in the medlab. Things were going pretty well, though my Greyjoy kept having kids who were good at anything but water

I rage quit last night when three impossibly strong rad roach attacks hit my perfect, obsessively run shelter in less than 5 minutes and killed everyone but the pregnant women and the kids! I almost started a new vault but then I realized how much time I’d been devoting to it at the expense of everything else. Today I

I had one vault for about a day but decided to scrap it and start over using things I learned from the first one, including keeping better track of my family trees with a naming system. There’s a little bit of incest, as I only had three men in my original 14 settlers, but so far (I’m up to 29 people, plus 3

I wasn’t really into the Leanne reveal. I thought it was a cool idea for a backstory, but I don’t feel like it really reasonates with what we know of Leanne from the previous two seasons. I don’t buy that someone who fully chose the Amish lifestyle would have been so flightly about the nun’s protest last season, for

Oh man I can’t believe I missed this poll! I preach my love of Wolfthorn far and wide. It’s SO GOOD.

Oh man I can’t believe I missed this poll! I preach my love of Wolfthorn far and wide. It’s SO GOOD.