Sam the Wizer

My junior high football team had a play like the one the Colt's attempted. We had much more success with it.

If he's got stories for years why didn't he use some in Fury Road?

Yeah, the whole show is pretty bad. There aren't even punchlines, the writers just copy and paste nerdy sounding things from Wikipedia.

If it's supposed it's not a corollary. Do you know anything about math? I didn't study math for six years to endure these sorts of comments….

I can't stand it when people use periods for emphasis. These. Are. Not. Complete. Sentences.

In the eighties my parents listened to "Sports" by Huey Lewis and the News incessantly. My sister and I always thought he was singing , "I want a new truck."

In Stitches by The Bad Plus.

I don't get it, does she have a nice personality?

I have no idea who that is, does that mean I'm gay? How am I gonna break it to my girlfriend…

I had forgotten about "Let Forever Be" and had to rewatch it. I love that schizophrenic dream logic he employs.

Agreed. He's much better when Charlie Kaufman is writing for him.

Yep. This needs to die.

Ah yes, nature's tampons.

I'm pretty sure it's a bible. Blame the springs.

I saw one with a Browning sticker. Apparently that's a subculture that exists now.

True. I order nothing and that hasn't changed in years.

Or how to disenfranchise people and guarantee spit in your burrito.

I didn't love The Hudsucker Proxy at first, but went back and rewatched it after a few years and it has become one of my favorites from the Coens.

Just be glad Italians use the metric system.

Indeed. They should have given them all more practical outfits.