Sam the Wizer

Mock mockumentary? Is this that meta thing of which the kids speak?

I've got a frog in my throat.

At least he's secured his legacy as a barely adequate drummer.

Also, as a parent how are you less concerned about what the food in a happy meal is doing to your kid than the sounds the toy makes?

Our brains so aggressively seek recognizable patterns that we often find them where they don't exist. I really hate to say it, but I'm with McDonald's on this one. If you want to find profanity in children's media, stick to Disney, they're less ambiguous.

No, but they turk ar jarbs

I can recognize recent Colorado transplants because they quote south park ad nauseam. It's reached a point where they've gone beyond simply mining Colorado culture for content to being one of its primary influences.

Certainly not a requirement, but the internet has allowed an ample medium in which they can proliferate.

It worked for the writers of Big Bang Theory.

So there's a vacancy under that rock now, eh?

Shakespeare was a plagiarist too.

No more remakes! I want original plots.

My school district had iMacs in all its labs. There were straightened paper clips next to every machine.

Actually, it was from a Linux box.

"Unlike a Mac, it does nothing to affect the smug, independent-minded yuppie air that suited Jerry so well on the show."

As far as Apple's ethics violations go, this one is pretty minor. I like how T Swift spends a good deal of her admonition saying how amazing Apple is in every other circumstance, but their sole lapse in judgement is not paying her. Makes me respect her a little less.

Gondry and Kaufman capture the weirdness of lucid dreams infinitely more effectively than Nolan.

You've got it backwards.

Is that a genre? I can't imagine two things being more different than ska and Kafka.

I never realized that song had lyrics.