Sam the Wizer

Give it a rest! I might have enjoyed Fury Road if it hadn't been so over hyped. It's become the most obscenely overrated film.

I don't think the jokes are that funny, maybe intentionally so, but you just want any reason to laugh to relieve some of the severity. Will Arnett is brilliant too. Sometimes I forget I'm watching a cartoon about a horse-man. I forget he's an actor playing a role.

Janeway had no regard for the prime directive. I prefer my bureaucrats to be obedient.

I always thought it was cheesy when a character would put extra emphasis on the movies' title. Pairing with cheesy music really drives it home.

Violations of the Geneva Convention are prudent exclusions from this list.

Steely Dan, "Dirty Work"

Weird Science.

I think comparing the character Nathan from Ex Machina to Steve Jobs is of the mark. Steve Jobs was a brilliant marketer, not a brilliant computer scientist. I think Nathan was supposed to be like Sergey Brin.

I had never seen a trailer, and enjoyed it thoroughly.

It is, but with Simon Pegg writing this installment I'm hoping for more depth.

I've heard worse. He's playing interesting rhythms and there's kind of a melodic arc. I would guess he plays some instrument well, just not piano.

Obsopop is great.

I had assumed Mary was an associate of Moriarty after it was revealed that she was much more clever than she originally had let on.


Had it received mediocre reviews I probably wouldn't care, but I feel like I was conned. It made me want to call the local tv news watchdog and get the word out so that no others would be taken as I was. Complaining on the internet is my only solace.

Ugh. I had forgotten about the flaming guitar. Why would a culture that values fuel so highly wantonly consume it for pyrotechnics? My hatred for this film just grew a little more.

Usually AVC guides me well, but Fury Road was the single greatest cinematic disappointment of my life. Had the reviews found here not stoked my excitement for the film, I may not have suffered such disappointment. Perhaps antipathy is what I seek.

I liked the original much better. Dr. Dre was much more convincing than Tom Hardy.

Fury Road is worse. At least into darkness had some dialog and plot.

Good list. One thing that scared the crap out of me as a kid was the chilly down scene from labyrinth. I think the fact that the characters are singing a goofy song while trying to decapitate Sarah makes it more terrifying.