Sampsonite24-Earth's Least Likeliest Hero

I think of Homer buying Snake’s car

Funny how I heard about the Cyber-Truck years before I heard of Rivian, but now I see multiple Rivian trucks on the road every day and the Cyber-Truck is still essentially vapor-ware.

no, i’m not. i’m asking because i don’t think any Pathfinder ever required premium fuel. I believe he was lying AND didn’t actually put premium in his car.

To be fair with his history, he likely lied about the premium, lied about filling it up (had someone else do it), lied about driving, lied about it being a car, lied about where he lived and lied about where he went. And he likely first stated it was 8 days a week until someone else changed it to 7.

The one time I had to reposes a motorcycle was eye opening. I called the sheriff’s department to let them know where I was going and what I was doing (on behalf of the shop), and they basically said, “Cool, call us if you get shot at.”

HD should make a commercial featuring a trans person... they’d all be forcefully returned in record time.

Repoing a Harley is probably the easiest way to steal someone’s “identity”.

The more I learn about it, the more I think this impostor ghost is a real jerk.

There are few things in this world that I’m certain of, but one thing that I know for sure is that Norm Macdonald’s ghost wouldn’t pay for Twitter Blue. This subscription is clearly the work of an imposter ghost. I suspect the ghost of Frank Stallone, who is alive, yet remains the ghost of Frank Stallone.

“I’m going to air [sic] on the side of caution and not list the ingredients. Anyway, here’s the tweet with the full, unedited instructions on it. Well, my conscience is clean”

I mean, it worked well for rocket league.

Evergreen headline, “Trailer has Star Wars fans arguing”

Also, what happens if your phone is dead and you don’t have a physical copy? “Excuse me, please sit in the back of the cruiser charging your phone until it’s full enough to show me your licence”?

“It’s not because Sony paid us, definitely not that.  They’re definitely not doing what they’re trying to argue Microsoft would do with Activision games, definitely completely unrelated and not hypocritical.”

I still can’t get over the fact that it took over 20 years for a single Mandalorian to get curious enough to go back and check to see if their native homeworld was still inhabitable. When the majority of the surviving Mandalorian race apparently still live on the two moons orbiting it.

I mean, yeah, it may be a nuked

Sony is insufferable. They lead Xbox in marketshare 2:1 or better in almost every market except the US. Hell, it’s more than 95:5 in Japan. They’re just being pissy about a game that has already been guaranteed to be on their platform for more than a decade into the future. All this does is make them look weak,

For the uninitiated, this is more evidence to consider that—when push comes to shove—Capitalism will always side with the regressive/Right regeimes when it comes to business.

To paraphrase a friend who once put it better than I could: “Real men’s rights activists would care about the rights of men of color, gay men, and trans men, and they don’t.”