Sampsonite24-Earth's Least Likeliest Hero

youve never pulled up to a pump to see the handle covered with a plastic bag or a note on it saying card reader not working? what fantasy land do you live in

there’s an ass for every seat?

Im plopping money on a reservation for the R3X as soon as I can

The Gang goes to Scotland

same, for both my cars that switch hasnt moved since i bought them. theres no reason to

the guy who’s a better writer than you

i bet carvana doesnt make it to 2025 either

honestly the roller rink scene with Dragula coming on over the speakers was absolutely epic

because facebook is still facebook. its just owned by meta. much in the same way google is still google, even though it is now owned by alphabet

Jost and Che are the best part about SNL and have been for the last few years

so chaturbate?

youve never been to long beach have you? its one of the best races on the indy calendar 

what the fuck is a kilom...celcius

thats still nearly freezing

So, Driver error, is what it ultimately boils down to

only if you ignore the fact that their vehicle manufacturing costs have consistently been driven down quarter after quarter. while they may lose 33k on a vehicle now, thats 4 times better than how much they lost on every vehicle a year and a half ago. again, something the WSJ decided to gloss over

i bet you’d absolutely scream scab at ryan reynold’s 8 year old unironically

I was waiting for Jalopnik to how on this neg train and not even post the fact that Rivian sold AND produced a record number of vehicles. YTD its about 39k vehicles which is only 13k away from their yearly target of 52k vehicles. The WSJ has always had it out for Rivian for some weird ass reason. 

what do you mean, the dude was all about boats, just look at all the challengers and chargers

I’d rather my lawyer have tattoo sleeves than a gaming laptop