Sampsonite24-Earth's Least Likeliest Hero

its called the Doppler effect, because the exhaust is at the back of the bike and facing backwards it does nothing to really alert those in front of the bike. itll be loudest as the bike is already passing you. but does nothing to increase the warning as it approaches.

did you just assume my gender?, also you clearly dont have kids nor should you ever procreate. street racers can get fucked

ahh so you are just a troll

you dont honestly believe in that “loud pipes save lifes” bullshit do you? cause thats not how sound works at all

You try telling a 3 year old to hold it cause some dumbasses wanna compare cocks. Fuck street racing

driving home one night with my son in the back and a black charger and challenger were purposely holding up traffic so they could race, i honked at them cause my toddler needed to go to the bathroom and we needed to get home and they flipped me the bird and sat there longer. so i called the police and got so much

yeah, then it was determined his knee was down before the endzone. because human eyes suck. the correct call was made

this isnt soccer, he doesnt care

so what, the officials should have just given him the touchdown even though he didnt make it to the endzone on his run? where in the world does that make sense

the best part of this entire thing is Vic Fangio’s face right after the field goal was good

hey indy, i hear Cody Parkey is still looking for a job

yeah the only problem i see is blocking the fire extinguisher

says the dude who apparently took my comment so much to heart he felt the need to post a video nobody will actually watch. how ammosexual of you to get your panties in a twist

jesus christ this is kotaku, you would think someone would recognize a video game reference

so you knew it was a reference to an apex voice line but you still felt the need to correct it? jesus christ man chill

You didn't get it

Can you really call yourself a gamer if you don't understand that reference

I need more people to actually get the reference

Youve clearly never played Apex Legends

I prefer mine breaded, fried, and covered in Frank’s red hot