Sampsonite24-Earth's Least Likeliest Hero

Chicago PD and a lot of Illinois agency’s are buying these in droves cause they’ve been proven to out perform most if not all of the of the competition. Illinois State Police has been buying Expeditions too

You may want to get your eyes checked then

3rd gen

I love my 04 Eddie Bauer. 

Are you kidding? Police love these things and will continue to replace aging crown vics with explorers. The more room is a benefit for them

because shits expensive

Our local indian dealer just had the demo truck out earlier this week with a bunch of these FTRs and Scouts and they look really cool out on the road. would definetly be on my short list if i was in the market. Seems like indian is trying to upstage and out-price harley lately and im all for that

Its not like he can vote though so at least there's that

where are the USMNT ranked in the world currently?

I mean if I'm a pedestrian the damage between an eclass and a semi will most likely be the same, death, so what does it matter. The fact of the matter is I don't get my rocks off by telling people what to drive unless it's truly unsafe like a cut springs Civic. Passenger trucks are some of the safest vehicles on the

Ita absolutely self centered of you if you feel every driver of a truck is imposing themselves on you. But I guess if you wanna play the victim while telling others how to live 🤷‍♂️

a driver snapchatting while driving is just as dangerous to those around them whether they are in an F150 or a fusion or a mustang.

that could be any drunk driver though. some drunk driver killed a father and daughter a few years ago around my city and he was in an old Mercedes E Class

it sounds like if you find trucks impractical for the roads you should have your license revoked. i have no problem navigating around them in my cobalt

im starting to think youre the self centered ass who wants the world to cater to you and you alone

Really? Cause this looks like the flare is bolted on

No idea. I just know that white letter tires usually have blue chalk on them from new. The new tires I put on my truck had blue chalk but it's worn off from rain

Yeah I like that they actually Incorporated them into the side of the bed instead of just bolted on like older duallys but I’d imagine it’s more expensive to fix if you crumpled one

Wow it's still got the blue chalk on the tires. Minty fresh 

Theyre the only factory backed LMP1 I believe but there's 1 or 2 other privateer efforts