Sampsonite24-Earth's Least Likeliest Hero

ok captain america

Once again, I ask do you actually have proof that's happening?

uhhh the taycan is a direct competitor to the model s. not sure what youre smoking. also id love to see sales numbers backing your claim of “killing the ICE compeition”

you mean like what ford did with the focus rs or honda with the civic type r?

dont forget punkin chunkin

yeah same, always used during the day, if he was sleeping he was in his crib or in mine or my wifes arms after a meal. it never crossed my mind to leave him strapped into one of those things all night. hell my wife didnt like him in it for more than an hour or two at a time

we had one for my son for him to nap in but only when we had line of sight on him

you forgot to mention between today and the 18th they are doing bonus xp. the first time you place 5th or better each day grants you a full battlepass level of XP

Fuck Kadri with a rusty goal anchor 

my bad, i did always suck at geography

it was run in the eastern hemisphere for 30 years

also in the same game the marlins hit kris bryant 3 times in one trip around the bases in the 1st inning

Deleted damn infinte scroll

according to the NHL theres only one professional league. all others, including the KHL are the minors

because of knuckle draggers. that said i do love when unlikely combatants go at it. like the few fights that Jonathon Toews has gotten into. or Patrick Kane Vs John Scott lol. also if you cant smile at a good goalie fight are you really a fan?

yeah and if you dont mind high mileage examples you can find them anywhere from 14-18k

yeah so thats like a 80k dollar canyon thank you

if you ask me its still too raked, the back end looks too high, should be lower

Incoming tesla fanboi hate in 3...2.....1

i dont really remember anyone wearing helmets. i know they didnt in the movies.