Deleted damn infinte scroll
Deleted damn infinte scroll
according to the NHL theres only one professional league. all others, including the KHL are the minors
because of knuckle draggers. that said i do love when unlikely combatants go at it. like the few fights that Jonathon Toews has gotten into. or Patrick Kane Vs John Scott lol. also if you cant smile at a good goalie fight are you really a fan?
yeah and if you dont mind high mileage examples you can find them anywhere from 14-18k
yeah so thats like a 80k dollar canyon thank you
if you ask me its still too raked, the back end looks too high, should be lower
Incoming tesla fanboi hate in 3...2.....1
i dont really remember anyone wearing helmets. i know they didnt in the movies.
that impact is their brains hitting the inside of their skulls repeatedly
i was really hopping someone would post that
i tried to warn you that it was unwatchable
i just want to watch this thing drift. not listen to the dude with justin timberlake curls sticking out from under his flat brim yell about it. its straight up unwatchable
if anything they remind me of the 2017 Blackhawks that got their teeth kicked in by the Wild Card Preds in the first round
Why not cosplay as wraith? or just do the hair and wear the clothes? jfc
how do you know its a bland performance 7 months before the games been released
thats a nice molehill youre turning into a mountain
this star wars game has been in development for much longer than apex has
All of them
and im sure despite playing in New Jersey he will have plenty of hot AOC takes
its also where they drafted Cam Barker soooo....