All Star John Scott has a business degree
All Star John Scott has a business degree
that was the best part of last weeks episode, man i love that show haha
stop it, those third jerseys are the best in the league
yeah but come on, anyone who actually says sportsball is totally an NPC
this is a good take
the minimum sentance for each aggravated battery charge is 6 years, 6 times 16 charges is 96, thats before the second degree murdger charge, hes going away for a long as time
nobody has any interest in being in columbus, youll always be behind the buckeyes, but at least youll move ahead of the crew, RIP
that sounds so much better than the super choppy cams that most people throw into LS engines
thats a weird way to spell Javier Baez
something tells me they like to bitch for bitchings sake
man i cant wait till the 4th
rocket league said they are rolling out their “rocket ids” thatll allow cross-platform parties and teams sometime this year
So jalopnik is back on condemning this type of behavior now? That's a relief
and its still funny to see oakland fans come up with reasons to defend grudens decision
wait they are demoing key arena? i thought they were just renovating the thing
Does it count if it used to be your DD but now it just sits in your driveway cause it won't pass emissions so you can't renew your plates and to fix it means an entirely new engine?
Also I have yet to see CNN ride along with street racers or gang bangers in the middle of a drive by.
its not even a sport, sports require athleticism, its a game
no they are not athletes, athletes require a sort of athleticism, playing cards is not athletic.