Sampsonite24-Earth's Least Likeliest Hero

Because the GT86 should have been renamed the celica as soon as Scion went under

yeah someone clearly hasnt actually watched Spiderman Homecoming. the entire movie Peter calls her Michelle, until the very end where she says he can call her MJ. she is not may jane

Rues district was basically one big plantation, anyone who didnt read that and think shed be black is a fucking nitwit

(I’m also guessing “blackwashing” has never occurred unless somewhere there’s a Lone Rangerreboot starring Michael B. Jordan and Kevin Hart as Tonto)

“Judge Aquilina’s efforts to demonize Dr. Nassar in front of the entire world were successful.”

when they are blatenly racist they absolutely do. when you essentially attack someone online using racist bullshit you absolutely deserve to be fired just like if you were to physically assault them. this is 2018 theres no need for that in the workplace

wouldnt a type of service dog have to be lawful?

i think the bears dont even want the hag


Rosanne was fired for calling a black woman an ape then tried to blame it on her meds. thats not joking, thats being a mean spirted bitch.

HD straight up said they were opening up a factory in the EU to produce EU bikes

thanks for being “that guy” asshole

The corrupt UAW was the only major group to back it at the last hearing about it because they actually think it'll somehow save American Jobs. Because they allhave their heads so far up their own asses

is this sarcasm? please tell me its sarcasm

sounds like youre the one without a soul

i hear they were forged in the heart of a dying star

no but it does need lots of passing, which is something ovals do offer and road courses and street circuts do not

but youre ok with drivers getting hurt or killed on road courses?

because itll most likely be a boring parade with not a lot of passes

roller derby tracks are ovals