Sampsonite24-Earth's Least Likeliest Hero

serious question: Are there people who literally go through backlogs of tweets just to see if some famous person said something racist? do they get paid for that?

nothing, it was a fake tweet

i love that color and i love the conquest/starion but not for that price

not even a grom, looks more like a fauxrom

emotional support scooter, he named it charlene

man that guy got demoted to the basement

youre right, theyre worth over a million on second hand markets

jay leno made a video on it...and hasnt done anything since, and there was that one youtuber that sent it up a skyrise in miami lol

thats my favorite moment of the whole thing

they should just have just named the GT86 the celica as soon as scion folded

these are new its been explained to you in previous posts. brand new 2018-2019 semis with pre-2008 running gear.

no, if you wanted equivalency it would be like Ford selling you a brand new 2019 F-250 as a roller and then installing an old 7.3L diesel to beat emissions regulations. which is illegal.

i assume youre one of the ones who didnt get his autograph?

please, those people arent trying to give those autographs to sick kids, if they were theyd just buy a 25 dollar elliot t-shirt. no they want to sell them to make money and if the dudes been rejected by elliot 2 times whyd he think the 3rd time would be any different

my thoughts exactly, as long as the car wasnt on fire they should have just called 911 and let the actual professionals extricate him. But everyone wants to play hero these days

for a while they were even letting his dad throw before the last hit ball hit the ground

he must not have had his morning coffee, he also wrote mail instead of what should be nail

This is a Texas dealer though

Turbo four-cylinders,”

Front what I've heard is the harbor he was swimming in has is a lot shallower than it looks when you dive in so likely hood is he dove in head first and hit his head