
last pay check was $9500 working 12 hours a week online. My neighbour's sister has been averaging 15k for months now and she works about 20 hours a week. I can't believe how easy it was once I tried it out.

They messed with her and treated her like she was disposable, as I imagine they've treated other people before. I don't agree with all her tactics, but applaud her "don't tread on me" attitude. It takes a lot of balls to stand up to a sumbitch NBA owner and his bitch wife. They're probably reeling because she is

You know what? I kind of believe her.

that means it was on a news

The press needs to stop calling this a beating or an attack. It's attempted murder and sexual assault. The woman was forced to watch her friend get beaten, then she got beaten, stabbed, sexually assaulted, threatened with further rape, tortured, and the only reason she's alive is because he decided to go look for a

this is horrible, i hope he can roat in jail

What pisses me off is Fox News calling her a "Porn Star" in a way that makes you feel like they're saying "It's okay, she's a whore anyway" like anyone deserves this.

I'm a white, female attorney, I've done criminal defense work, and I think you're terribly misguided. Or not terribly bright.

What part of "no one is taking the bait, now piss off" is confusing you?

Oh piss off, nobody is going to play the "let's rehash the Zimmerman trial so one of his slackjawed defenders can continue not getting the point" game with you.

Why is it terribly misguided for a person of color, that's had to watch these crimes play out, to feel a sense of victory in someone maybe having to answer for their crime?

This desire for vindication and blood that seems to be popular in the US when it comes systemic issues actually ends up hurting African-Americans, more than it gives any sense of "justice."

No. It's racist because out culture as a whole associates gang culture and this particular aesthetic with black and Latino men. To deny that would be purposely obtuse. If they took a picture making fun of hipster trends, which we culturally associate with white people, it wouldn't be racist because it wouldn't be

Please, please, stop posting Hilaria Baldwin tweets. She has nothing of substance to say, like, ever, she's only even being listed here on Tweet Beat because she married Alec Baldwin (there is no way she would be known by anyone here otherwise), she's a famewhore and a suck up, she shows off yoga poses like people

WOW, perfectly lovely for a woman of 72! She's obviously had some work done, but not even to the point of scary. I think she looks wonderful!

You have not seen The Transporter 1, 2 and 3? Great car movies... Alright, off you go and don't come back till you've seen all three!

This is AWFUL. Wtf. Is this a theme song for slitting wrists?

It is implants. I also have a huge butt, but I don't think that level of buttness can be achieved naturally.

1st. Angie is photoshopped.

I also want to add a gripe to all of those people saying "I have SUCH long, thick glorious hair, I can't use a scrunchie. It slides out! Nothing helps with the horror that is my fantastic hair." We get it. You can shut up now.