
Bye Felicia.

I'm from DE, a state with maybe 25 people in it, so I know Joe personally, and he is just as dope IRL.

I believe one went on to win seven gold medals in the 72' Olympics.

need a hug, chuckles?

Can you re-word that, perhaps taking out the whole "I think they are prettier/richer/luckier/nicer/whatever than me so I shall hatefuck them out of sneering jelousy" thing?

You forgot: "But let me add a really "edgy", albeit, played-out comment to show everyone how I Don't Care and I'm so cool for being the millionth person to echo this comment. Also, I want show everyone that I'm stuck in 2005."

Damn, you off your meds?

In fact, he wasn't invited. ;)

As Angelina Jolie is a humanitarian ambassador who has loudly used her star status to bring help to people in need. She has previously donated all funds made from selling photos (like newborn ones of her kids) and will likely donate whatever People and Hello paid as well.

Usually I think "I wish the paparazzi would leave celebrity kids alone, they didn't ask for this kind of attention, etc," but I kind of want to see pictures of the Jolie-Pitt kids at their parents' wedding because I bet they are cute as hell.

I saw Zahara once once in NYC out with a nanny and she looked cooler than me already.

I love them and wish them the best but "a suit from his closet". Really? Like it wouldn't already be a top of the line super expensive nice suit. It isn't like he has some off the rack thing from JCPenny hanging in there.

Shiloh Jolie-Pitt is going to be the Ittest It girl that ever It-ed.

im not even mad. this sounds sweet and lowkey and do you guys think shiloh would be my friend? i wanna hang out.

I thought they have a license from California and a California judge performed the ceremony so I think it's legal bc they will probably file the paperwork in LA. Otherwise, what was the point of flying out the judge?

It's weird because even though I know Bill is just as bad, he's never struck me as bad at the act as she is. She's just way more transparent about going through the motions than he is. He could fake it better, I guess.

I care. I am an African American woman (with a son that I have to prepare for police interaction) and in my peer group we have been troubled by Hilary's silence. Any minute now, she's going to run for president with the expectation that women & minorities will vote for her. So far, she hasn't earned my vote.

Reading her statement felt like wearing a pair of kahkis

You are too brave, Hillary. Too brave.