
No, not at all. Thanks for asking. Joan Rivers at 82 can wipe the floor with that limp mop Handler, wring her out and go again. Handler's age deserves to be called out if only because she dabbles in the domain and language of a preteen clique trying to rip the cute new girl in school. 40 yr olds should be beyond that,

You wouldn't sound like you're talking out of your ass if you had bothered to elaborate at least a tiny bit. I have no idea what you think should be 'fact checked,' and neither does anyone else.

You need to go back to school or at least use Webster's online:

'Muzzled?' 'At 39?' Can you read? She deserves to be muzzled as much as anyone, male or female of any age who has a tired misogynistic racist unfunny 'act.' Her age is only relevant as what she thinks passes as 'comedy,' is actually just the same immature viperish hateful snark we heard from 8th grade girls in middle

Say huh? I'm a feisty woman? Why yes I am, thanks.

That's a problematic statement. I have no idea who's choice/decision it was and neither do you. I find it interesting that her racist commentary re Oscars that most found pretty vile, preceded this little farewell announcement of hers by only a few weeks. My guess is she was urged to mutually part ways. She was just

I'm sure that's how he met Chelsea who's got her own sex/pornographic vid out there - it's just that no one wants to see that gross sh*t.

While I just think it's a travesty that in a field (latenight talkers) where there are so very few women, the most mediocre basic lame had the opportunity in the first place. Kathy griffin, Sarah silverman, Wanda sykes, any woman that's been on snl..hell, I know people funnier than handler. Try aiming higher e!.

My advice to E! hire an actual comedian next time, one that makes people laugh and has a sharp wit, instead of a 40 yr old meangirl who flips thru tabloids and occasionally acts as a pitbull for her PR flack's other no talent lame clients. She uses her show as a bully pulpit to beat up other women celebs not in her

Thanks for the response. I've just noticed what sometimes appears to be a self involved very narcissistic response from readers here. It doesn't have to be this very somber tragic awful topic, it could be completely inane - but what happens is the posting forums are used as a way to socialize and talk about ourselves.

Just needed to post the following: after we talk about ourselves, and situations that might be like the one in the piece, and after all the I's and me's stories that have nothing to do with THIS child's heinous murder and everything to do with hearing ourselves talk, can we get back to talking about THIS story?

I'm just realizing the term 'Walmart Johannsen,' actually can apply to Scarlet Johannsen.

I guess Jen thought she was a girls girl. Yeesh having an almost murderer that close to your hoo ha. Eew.

We have VERY selective outrage in this country. ...and by 'we,' I mean women especially. We also tend to use what power and raging passions we do have against other women. Some people just get it with both barrels...even on this site (i.e., they're tagged as worthless awful people and archives are full of blown up

We have VERY selective outrage in this country. ...and by 'we,' I mean women especially. We also tend to use what power and raging passions we do have against other women. Some people just get it with both barrels...even on this site (i.e., they're tagged as worthless awful people and archives are full of blown up

What? But we're not talking about cable, so why bring up upn and bet? The point was, a network show with a predominantly minority cast, can get good ratings and draw a predominantly white audience. The post I responded to (of yours? ) implied that if Mindy Kaling had more POC rather than majority white, her show might

I thought the ratings weren't that good, so i don't think 'white people,' are watching in droves now. She might do better if she thought outside the box. I not remembering correctly or were shows of yesteryear that had several year runs comprised of majority minority casts watched like crazy by white people?

My guess is that release his victims sign is airtight and gets him home free. All he has to do is make sure his 'victims' are 18 and over, and also pray they never ever become really super famous and start talking about what a predator he is -set on taking him down. He probably insures this won't happen by either

What's it going to take? Them, acquiring some integrity.

Yes, because without children neither Brad or Angelina would be famous...why I remember before they had kids..they were one followed them around and took their pictures ever...—oh, wait.