
I think she is pure genius. I hurt from laughing.

Well I have seen pics of lucas' kids which is how I know he has them (google is your friend)...Lucas, who by the way, is close friends with Jolie and presented her with her jean herscholt OSCAR last month for 15 yrs of philanthropy. I doubt he nor the academy of arts and sciences,nor the UN, nor the council on foreign

Oh so you have a "clan of rainbow children ," too eh? Bullshite racist pos. Who refers to their OWN family as premeditated vanity move? So their kids are for vanity purposes, but yours aren't for making your own crass color struck narcissistic 'look at me I'm the biggest white savior of all, so eff u Jolie Pitts!'-

First of all, you're like a psychologist's wet dream with your oft repeated chant of 'clan of rainbow children,' which is at once denigrating and vaguely racist - similar to the bitter ugly right wing borderline slurs we hear these days from embittered selfish bullying angry white types embittered by Obama's

So race and quantity of children are the determining factors in child molestation by fathers? That of course is batshit, the snide nasty implication really just indicative of someone who wants to slur the Jolie Pitts for their own personal hateful reasons.

Thanks. I guess. It's just that considering this (Farrow/Allen) celebrity family's trauma may include awful sexual improprieties at best and child molestation at worst, I would think comparing any other family to them ('celebrity' or not) and speculating/inferring about when they'll have like-problems too, is a

This whole piece sounded familiar - like it's been published before as a hit piece from the Allen camp. Definitely shows bias and a negative slant on the whole Farrow clan. Even down to the Ronan sexuality question which links to a rumor (when I clicked it was an infotainment gossipy column that is speculating and

I'm adopted, and just the Jolie Pitt crack supposed to be funny, or demeaning to adoptive families in general? Because FYI: we don't have a higher statistical probability of imploding any moreso than your average biologically related families (Psst..who also can be dysfunctional - Gasp! - Who knew??!!)

I'm adopted, and just the Jolie Pitt crack supposed to be funny, or demeaning to adoptive families in general? Because FYI: we don't have a higher statistical probability of imploding any moreso than your average biologically related families (Psst..who also can be dysfunctional - Gasp! - Who knew??!!)

Oh and one more thing...she (editor) would have done better not addressing it. They wanted to sell more rags and for whatever reason showing Mindy as the pretty dark brown she is was not preferable. Frankly it's a whitewash. I think they thought her color would confuse people who didn't know who Mindy was. Who knows

Cough, cough (bullshit) cough.

Really? That's your takeaway? Um, ok. I'll play. First of all, it's well documented that no one knows how old Soon Yi is, so anyone who is referring to her as this or that age, may be in error. That is why people write that at the time the sexual relationship was exposed, she was either 19, 20 or 21. Of course, no one

Thank you to infinity.

I never noticed it before you said it..but they really do favor. They should play sisters in a movie..or egads..Lisa could be her mom. Time marches on. Sigh.

Er no. No, I didn't see what you just did there. Except accuse people of outrage/shock when it's actually the 24/7 news cycle beating it's latest dead horse. Also if you were a true redneck, you'd understand that Robertson wasn't so much expressing 'hate,' but extreme ignorance, disrespect and indifference. Thus he

It's back to remedial reading class for you. You reference the article 'not saying anything bad about Pitt,' when I was clearly referring to the snark bitchy posts. You're being disingenuous, ignoring the massive amount of shade Brad Pitt is getting in this piece's comment section. Like I said, considering his

Don't know why a stupid move by some little rogue movie owner in some Italian village means Brad Pitt gets a beat down. I'm sure he'd be the first person disgusted as hell with this poster especially since he and his production company Plan B is pretty much the sole reason the film exists. Carry on with the bitch