she must have some talent if she got signed to a new label started by one of the biggest rappers around before the big butt and extra.
she must have some talent if she got signed to a new label started by one of the biggest rappers around before the big butt and extra.
Well I now know what I’m making tonight!!
I’m on my second week of Zucchini Chicken Parm and Chicken Alfredo. My family is already over it BUT I’M NOT ZUCCHINI IS MY NEW FRIEND
AL is great for obvious reasons but Tamron is amazing as well. Willy and Carson daily were growing on me. Willy does good on the sunday show. I can’t stand Savanah she annoys me to no end. everyone else can go other than Hoda and Kathy. the idea that they didn’t like Willy is kinda funny to me.
I will never get the hoopla about edges. I like to keep my hairline in tact without risk of making me forehead a fivehead. I don’t my baby hairs to be laid like Chili. I want my edges free. I have naps, it’s no secret.
heavily with american textbooks, UK only slightly better
I never understand people who don’t seem to realize that. It’s not like People of Color just showed up one day in history?
I totally agree with some points you made but here’s my question if some stories are neutral are they all by default then white? why would white = neutral?
this is the same Julianne Hough that thought it was a grand idea to dress as crazy eyes complete with black face....
Can you throw Megan Trainor, Rita Ora, Justin Beiber and past and present members of One Direction (sorry Zayn) and Fifth Harmony in that same studio. I’d like a 2k16 “we are the world” inferno studio situation.
I need more Phil Dunphy/Ty Burrell gifs!
Yet it’s okay for a 17 year old Kylie to date her future sister in law’s loser 25 year old baby father?
ya’ll must not sweat much.
rub them dry don’t pat. you are gonna see some dirt
you see how Rihanna quick put out a album each year to get out of Def Jams deal. Maroon 5 is another example. just let the art come from the artist not some manufactured version from the lable
no, I meant the part of not altering them and letting them grow and shape how they please without any self manipulation
Aquarius was a really dope debut album that I still play to this day. even her previous mixtapes are amazing. however with her signing to a major label none of the singles they put out aren’t exactly the same vibe of her previous work and quite frankly are flops. I get RCA wants to give her a more mainstream appeal…
I like the principal of why he did it like many rastafari have a similar principal about their dreads but I’ll admit I wasn’t a fan of it.
nah more like black George Michael