Samuel L. Daschund

But thanks to Terrence Howard's perm

Ughhh I hate all those "compliments"

I tried to watch his stand up show "Weirdo" on netflix but it was so difficult not to cringe. It felt like he was trying to hard to be the "cool funny black friend" to get approval from a group of needy white guys. I dig his music but his stand up just wasn't for me.

sounds like a normal day to me.

What's up with calling Latinas spicy in 2015??

why are we making this a big deal now? I'm tired of seeing our "diversity" in roles of thugs,maids and slaves. Selma is a great movie and the cast has done an amazing job. However it's the only film that has a number of actors who are POC. POC in "Oscar worthy" films are always historical or some tired moment in

I said that

Mona Scott is bringing home millions probably off these women

Vh1 and many other networks just want to exploit black people. Granted these people are willing for money but this doesn't help the image so many believe to be true.

Beautiful Soulllllllll!

It was pretty obvious in my old high school year book. Students who were Kelly Rowland's skin tone or darker who then had been lightened to Kerry Washington' s skin tone. Worst part was is that we had a few students who were very dark skinned from Nigeria who got lightened who ended up looking ashy and gray instead.

I thought she was with Calvin Harris. Idk some edm dude


you better recognize Bao Bao is a princess of D.C.

2015 remix lyrics:

Now playing

picture this whitey white male congress to jam out to this.

Tweet of the year so far.

Lol I think this was the Tyler Perry can do. I think he tried hard for what he was given and the changes that were made.

Nicks side of the story was soooo rushed towards him meeting Tanner.