My sisters and I all rocked the shortness as small children. None of us have an gender confusion issues as far as I know. I think it was just easier than trying to keep three toddler girls' hair from looking nasty with as little effort as possible.
My sisters and I all rocked the shortness as small children. None of us have an gender confusion issues as far as I know. I think it was just easier than trying to keep three toddler girls' hair from looking nasty with as little effort as possible.
@LatestBy: So this. I always have apples in bananas in sight of the SpaceToddler whilst the Goldfish and other crunchies are tucked away. Toddlers, being simple people, will generally ask for whatever it was they saw or heard last.
@didntmeanto: @CherriSpryte: @funnyface: Thanks guys! I will look into this as I am sure there are plenty of young women in the Chicago area who would be in need of such things.
I have a closetful of non-fug prom/formal dresses from my and my sisters' youth. I need to go into business. If only to help the youth of America.
@PortraitHat: It was the US Snowboarding association that sent Lago home, not the IOC. It's not really apples and apples here.
@yet i: Totally Canadian. Actually, I am surprised they were drinking indoors and not out in the parking lot like usual.
@PilgrimSoul: Based on my extensive knowledge of hockey player behavior, this is pretty much standard and I totally hope that when/if Canada's men win they do the same damn thing.
@lemonsquares: I bet that will be the best dressed funeral party EVER.
@thecameralovesyou: I guess since China is too dominant in diving we will have to take that out of the Summer Olympics as well. Along with archery, gymnastics...
@quitelikely: It's that maple leaf, so damn fetching.
@lorem oopsum: Aren't they, by definition, complementary colors?
I see London, I see France. I see Jordan Sparks' underpants...
@Hell on Heels: A Hallmark Keepsake addiction is nothing to be ashamed of. Me and my Frosty Friends should hang out with you and your Barbies some holiday season.
Just from the thumbnails on the home page, I gasped "OH! Peaches n' Cream!" and now my boss thinks I am nuts.
@bananaballs: Hey, I never said I wanted to be cured.
FYI, Hollywood. America has a raging case of the sweatpants. There is no cure.
@Vivi21: I read that and was like, did she go to my school? But then I saw you were DI good so you couldn't possibly have played on my team.
Oh man. My HS basketball coach would nail us with the ball if we weren't looking back at the ball while doing running drills.
For $55 I will bake any of you 3 dozen conversation heart cookies. The cat hair will be extra, however.
@labeled: I bet Ripert is a very, um, attentive man to his lady friends. fans self with over-sized church hat that I totally wish I had right now