All I have to say is thank you Miss Kathy and Miss Daphne, you and the center you work at are worth every penny of the $325/week we pay.
All I have to say is thank you Miss Kathy and Miss Daphne, you and the center you work at are worth every penny of the $325/week we pay.
I would like to start a letter writing campaign to get Lil' Mama to wear that dress on an episode of Dance Crew, excuse me, Randy Jackson Presents: America's Best Dance Crew
Finally a birth defect/disorder that is more likely the younger the mom is.
I really, really wish I could have a beer with his crazy ass self.
@AthertonMerriweather: I am going to guess they are sitting in dark closets, whimpering and clucthing their knees to their chests, hoping the girls' fathers don't find them.
@TaraIncognita: NBC is premiering a show with this exact premise starting sometime this week.
@es-ki-mo: I think you just cured my hangover.
So you bitches know, I slept on my bathroom floor last night.
@BadNewsNettie: Hahaha, after spending last summer preggo and as the auto-DD, I can't even concieve of willingly driving to a bar anymore.
@BadNewsNettie: If you drive, how will you get rip roaring drunk?
Is anyone else having weird avatar issues?
@BlowJoy: I'll be there too! I'll be the one standing in front of the beer list with the deer in headlights look on my face. I am rendered incapable of making a decision when presented with more than three choices.
8 p.m. cannot come soon enough.
I have three animals. One is a boxer with massive food allergies. It's difficult to find anything he CAN eat so he is quite skinny.
Dear Josh,
I am not even sure my taxes have been filed yet. Our shit is really confusing so we have "a guy" for that. But we usually end up owing so I am not even sure we'd get a check. :(
Aww, all you Masshole beches are making me miss my home town. I live in Chicago now so I am not totally up on Deval's governing but I do know that my parents hate him so he can't be all that bad.
Unless you can edit a major bitchface onto someone, Lisa deserves her villain status.
I have a tramp stamp. It is a dragonfly. I will fight anyone of you who makes fun of me.