Spaceman Bill Leah

I am g@Chief Wahoo: I love this season, I get to go "ooh I know that place! Hey! That's near work!" every epi.

@Lady Andrea: I wanted to reach through my tv and choke her last night. In 5th grade my teacher made us sing that song every goddamn morning to "support the troops in the Gulf". And she would tell our parents if we refused to sing.

@Tuffy: He's asleep early tonight allowing me to DUAN for once. He's good though, two teeth already. The boy is a monster.

And that is how you sing in Spanx, Carly.

What the holy fuck have the stylists done to her poor boobies?

@JB*: The people who call in make me worried about America.

Evening everyone.

Oh, and Snibbles Birchwood. Or Moose Birchwood. Two dogs that predated me in the family and I am still convinced that my parents loved more.

@RyanB: Thank you for that imagery. From now on my son is only getting formula.

@a.clever.otter: Sadly, no and his sister is already taken although it isn't much of a shock but that combo does not wear well on a woman.

I may or may not have originally hit on my husband at a bar because I thought he resembled a combination of Luke Wilson and Nomar. For some reason dreamy eyes, giant square heads and enormous honkers just do it for me.

Schedule for tomorrow: (all times CST)

@hello.kitty: Just a bad cold but there are boogers. Lots and lots of boogers. However, this will not prevent me from putting his tiny ass in a sweater vest come Sunday and taking pictures.

I am at home with a sick baby today. I have been waiting for this ALL DAY.

Thank god my sisters don't read this site because I am pretty sure they would kill me.

@LadyNo: I was terrified that it would turn into an abscess and require surgery. I am glad that all it took was some Advil and antibiotics to get me better.

Oooh and something I forgot to share yesterday. The awesomeness that is mastitis, when your boobs get sick from breastfeeding. Your jumbas hurt like hell and you get a fever, chills and aches. No one told me about that part.

@KnitSandwich: God, you are so right. I like BabyCenter for the info but stay the hell away from the Birth Month Clubs. It's like "My kid is better than your" as told by morons.

My dog ate my copy of this book. I was not sad.