
I really think people should stop criticizing Sam Smith for what was a simple and understandable slip of the tongue. And I can say that with a little bit of gravitas as the first openly gay man on the internet.

Most undeserved Oscar of the night, holy shit. You have Leo, and that 87 year old Italian composer for that matter, coming back year after year for a chance and here comes some newish dude waltzing in, getting it on the first try, and he doesn’t even know who in his community has won an Academy award, making it all

Look up the concept of reverse engineering as a learning tool.

Sure, it’s easy to sound fishy - to any standard suburban white person who hasn’t experienced or witnessed hardcore demeaning bigotry first hand.

(Fuck even rich people like Johnny Depp have opted out of the country due to “too many people acting like unevolved idiots”.)

So which is the fishy thing? That he made a clock, that the story got picked up by the national media after the Dallas Morning News published it, that they decided to move to Qatar after having a particularly bad experience in the state of Texas, or that the 16yo kid doesn’t take media interviews without his parents?

They didn’t believe that clock was a bomb for even a minute, though. They snapped pictures of it, posed around the thing, didn’t evacuate the school, and sent the kid to the principal’s office. You don’t send a bomber to get a stern talking-to.

Now I’m starting to get it via a different capacity and although I already liked Chris Rock’s material before, I have a new appreciation for this level of humor. A joke we get, but then we feel confused and uncomfortable because a participant in the joke doesn’t get it. Following that, we admire the joke even more

It’s the face you make when someone accidentally drops a sexual innuendo in a super-serious office meeting and you want to laugh but you look around the room and realize you might be the only one who picked up on it... From here on out can we just call that the Stacy Dash?

It’s great that Trevor Noah gets called out on being an arsehole — and yes, because intersectionality is a real thing, being an able bodied straight cis-man of colour on the receiving end of casual institutional racism AND a perpetrator of sexism and ableism are NOT mutually exclusive states.

Okay well whether you think he was qualified or not is not a fact, it is your opinion. I don’t think many established people wanted that job, because it’s a really hard job, and it did a number on Stewart. You are the one arguing his merit, by the way. He and Lupita were both not born here, and that was a pretty

You don’t think a comedian who was literally born illegal during apartheid and became successful in a country where stand up comedy is very new would be a good choice for talking about racism? Jon Stewart was not great at the beginning, either. Noah is getting gradually better, and he’s actually done some pretty

Uh we just believe things we read on the Internet now?

You’re just going to take this person’s word as gospel without a shred of proof? They levied a pretty serious accusation against Mr. Noah’s character and we don’t even know if the person they saw was even Trevor Noah, nor whether they actually understood any of the context of this persons’ actions.

I am categorically not defending him, because (a) that was tremendously unkind of him and (b) he does have a history of making unkind jokes from time to time. However, re: your specific comment “He’s a bully who was probably bullied as a child”. I think it’s worth pointing out that besides the whole “not having a

i did it. i posted it. thank you for the words i was searching for.

Stretching the definition of tiara, but Missy did it best, IMO

Sorry, 5th picture down.

Off topic, but your post reminded me: Aziz Ansari’s new show, Master of None, has an episode where he and an Indian friend are both going to be cast in a TV show, but TV execs won’t hire two Indians because then it would be an “Indian” show. It’s really shrewd commentary on the diversity problem in Hollywood. Of