
1. So all the black ops are supposed to have some sort of linked together narrative, right? So is this “John Taylor” another victim/continuation of the brainwashing from black ops one? Because it sure would explain my next question.


I bet it’s Legs off 45...Chevron right there. Also I’m imagining that Miata hitting that esplanade hahahaha

Man that's a bit of an overreaction to the new Porsche E-concept


But actually, how do people read this shit and go, “that’s logically how people close to (Celebrity x) would talk, because it doesn’t sound at all like they are all androids and/or sociopaths”

Ahhhhh my mistake

Best attack I’ve seen by a member of the Goodell clan in years.....I’ll see myself out.

You'd think that, but they removed all the decals from that mustang..that seems a little too time consuming and deliberate not to be a targeted theft

You must be for the Pats, as your accent is IM-peccable old boy!

Top notch stuff here. Could have talked about all the nasty shots in the Federer-Isner match, but nooope we gotta look at the goofy guy whose life seems inspired by a terrible Rom-Com starring Vision and Kirsten Dunst.

I actually own a few suppressed 300 blackouts, and the honey badger does come closest(not really close, but closest) to sounding like made me a huge fan of that gun because it was like using something I actually own, kinda like if your car is in a racing game, etc.

What about the Cayenne?!? I've recently driven the Range Rover Sport and a Cayenne turbo, and it's no comparison. Cayenne is so much smoother and fancier interior. And drives better IMO.

So what your saying is Iman is just another version of the name Alex or Taylor? Whodathunkit.

Blah blah they all look the same yada yada -mrblerg

It sucks, but there is a benefit to all this shit: if for some reason Mettenberger gets in the game one of the two times we play the Titans(it’s not like Mariota has a great chance to survive behind that line), we may see a live decapitation on the 50 yard line of NRG stadium. Why do selfies make Watt so upset? He’s

I live in Houston, I’ve been going to the Texans games since inception of the franchise(bonus: I’m NOT fat like the rest of the city) and I still dislike all this gloryboy bullshit with Watt. Some friends worked as training camp assistants a few years ago, and they all came back with stories of Watts rampant

Such a funny episode. The little “....Ike?” The teacher gives at the end kills me every time.

I went to the national championship, and as a LSU fan it was glorious, Jason Whites legs were made of matchsticks and he looked nothing like a Heisman winner, still a close game. Yet the part that stood out was the next day or so was my father yelling at the tv, “that’s such bullshit! If you don’t play in the damn

And maybe some form of a top. I’m picturing her riding around town as is, man that would be distracting. Wrecks everywhere