
Lets be honest, we don’t really want ISIS gone either. They make an effective terrorist-boogeyman to keep Americans safely voting for security over personal freedoms, and the refugee crisis continues to sow chaos, disharmony and discord among the EU nations; draining their own resources, radicalizing them against

The Democrats created ISIS, making Bush’s mistakes seem small.

I don’t see how anything but disengaging is a viable solution.

Ash Carter, an open ramp, and some altitude. Such a missed opportunity.

Of course your anti-something coalition won’t work if most members of said coalition are “secretly” pro to that something you are supposed to be against; and as long as you keep insisting to bring said members abroad, no matter how many coalitions you create, it will still fail...

Well done!

Cough...cough Azov Batallion, western supported Ukrainian government endorsed Neo Nazis who fight (loose use of the term since the Ukrainians specialize in running away) in the east.

Finally someone with some common sense. Why would Russia care and I genuinely mean that. Putin called the wests bluff when he annexed Crimea, the US forces did nothing. Now to go to war would have been insane, Ted Cruz insane, and we were told that since Ukraine isn’t part of NATO it wasn’t our problem. Yet here we

uhh the griz suck

“What’s his mom look like?"
-Delonte West

How does that look good for Memphis? They haven’t won shit after this trade, while the Lakers won 2 titles with Paul Gasol. Plus Marc is currently out for most of this season due to a broken foot.

I don’t really think Russia is going to care about this - it’s not like Finland is going to invade them. Or send Finnish terrorists.

No, Russia cares very much about their muslim borders to the south, and the difficulties there. That’s the real problem.

But, good on Finland and the US for literally poking the bear. I’m

Totally different scale.This game is taking place in an active tank division training range with a lot of tanks,IFV,APC,MLRS,self-propelled artillery etc.Its huge!

Meanwhile in Russia! P.S.You can only dream the way they play airsoft in Russia!!

Iran/Russia/China/North Korea are all out to get us! There are terrorists everywhere!We need more stealth fighters and stealth ships and a new trillion dollar stealth bomber fleet and airborne lasers because its still 1985! Healthcare? Education? Go away commie!!

We need more defense spending! Legalize automatic assault weapons! Give children and teachers guns! Build a wall at the Mexico border and make the Mexicans pay for it!

The world revolves around me so I’m used to it.

What the hell did a pineapple ever do to deserve that? You’re demented.

Legally? Nothing.