Nothing like a low B-2 flyby to make your hair stand on end!!!
Nothing like a low B-2 flyby to make your hair stand on end!!!
Maybe the ones you met were just SOBER.
Hahahahaha .... good one!! Had me laughing my head off ....!!!
Well it’s gonna edge the U.S. out of that LNG market because it’s simply too expensive to ship LNG over oceans in comparison to shipping LNG via pipelines or via rail. It’s simple physics and geography.
Most people fail to see that Russia nowadays is all business. They do supply the natural gas of Europe. AND they also work with European countries towards developing their own energy supplies.
Yeah. We tolerated having the Iranians help them the Iraqis fight ISIS, since they were going to be doing the fighting and dying on the ground, which we weren’t going to do.
You’re still lucky to have been sent there, dude.
Ha!! Michigan!! Rednecks!!! LOL
Q. What’s LONG and HARD that a new Polish bride gets on her wedding night?
Q. How do you know you’re flying over Poland?
I think of the Mig-29 as like a ‘69 V-8 Pontiac Firebird. Muscle car, looks good, drives well, but is really shitty and really isn’t that fast anyway compared to other muscle cars; a real project you’d spend a lifetime rebuilding and tinkering with.
You ... you ....
Right? I mean, if someone said that snowboarder-towing scene was being done in say, Moab (the mobile home park capital of Utah), no-one would even question it.
Russian rednecks.
Yeah but have you ever smelled a fermented cabbage fart?
You see this shit-slug on the street, you just want to swing a bat at his kneecaps, and then wait for the homeless to gather around and kick the shit out of him. It’ll probably take them a while, since he’s just one gigantic bag of un-ethical ordure.
“And don’t sleep with your roommates.”
Because it’s a good excuse to stick your head out as you fart out that boiled cabbage you had for lunch into the rest of the tank interior.
Soooo ... which track has the general’s soju again?