It’s funny how the economic changes he tried to implement were considered more of a threat than what NK is doing.
It’s funny how the economic changes he tried to implement were considered more of a threat than what NK is doing.
Can Austria come and be an American state? I'll offer up Deleware in trade so we don't have to change our flags or anything.
Good thing he had that... smartwatch/glove. Or that superhero(?) might have shot him in the face.
I’m sure there are lots of other practical applications for that thing. Like... punching through walls when you can’t be Iron Man right that second.
.... yes... I’m... being... dumb. But Come On! Where did that thing come…
why is R2D2 cooperating with the Empire, though?
Yeah, because creating power vacuums in unstable regions always turns out so well.
China doesn’t have much control either. Any action they take would likely lead to a refugee crisis they don’t want. Additionally, if they play it wrong, they end up with American troops directly across the river from them.
Damnit wrong one again... I ment this one
Wait no, it was this one
Agreed. Shia LaBeouf was great in the first two. Here is also a omnipresent image from the scene that lead up to his Oscar Nomination.
Saw one yesterday at IKEA... thought to myself... the hell this idiot who can afford a Model X Tesla doing hauling his own shit at IKEA for...
I’m sorry, but this is an issue I have with ANY customer service related incident, event, etc. If I am a paying customer, with cash in hand or even the POTENTIAL of having cash in hand (which this guy apparently did) then you, as a sales entity do everything in your power to get me to give you said cash, along with…
Musk did him a favor. That is the ugliest, most overpriced tub of lard on planet earth that isn’t named Albert Haynesworth (can you crosspost to Deadspin so that actually makes sense?).
That’s nothing. You should should see it when they launch the metaphorical combat ships.
...and if an LCS ever gets in a fight, the result will be the same as well.
Wow. You weren't kidding. it littorally slid right into the water there. Neat.
I’m getting 12 to 23 download, 1.2 to 4.7 upload and my ping ranges from 199 to 32. And that’s the most expensive option!
I know how to solve the issue of Russians flying into Turkish airspace:
I’m with you, (almost) totally. But consider the 27mm cannon for Kanye; much more rewarding, imo!
just like Jeremy Clarkson, he have a Lightning fighter jet parked on his lawn