Mmm… cheddar
Mmm… cheddar
Lets remember people, Japan has done this in a short time and costed them only $332 million to develop. While stupidly more complex requirements the F-35 development has been triple the cost and F-22 was in the realm of $30 billion! For just the cost of one F-22 Raptor, Japan has R&D themselves a stealth fighter. Even…
FYI, the main reason why the F-22 is banned from export is the software. Put simply, it has zero security. You can dump the whole system simply by walking up and plugging a laptop into it (it uses FireWire, so cables are cheap and plentiful) and running the right commands. It’s inherently permissive, because it was…
This is capitalism, the free market, globalization, and cartels all colliding together in a big mess:
How much trouble could 250 km cause?
*sees map*
By Odin’s beard...
Chevy Chase and Dan Akroid knew what to do.
Is that an ICBM or are you just happy to see me?
“In that world, the world these men operate in, death, violence, destruction, chaos, murder, these things are king.”
How about the women who are raped and re-raped in the various wars in Africa and if they are lucky make it to a place where some medical assistance might let then live? And then they eke out a living from nothing because they have no choice?
Oh bullshit. I know plenty of women who can kick your ass and not even break a sweat.
Jesus, are you that blind? It’s dangerous as hell if they get a blue screen of death while they’re flying! They might have to go grab a coffee while the system reboots and loads them up into another UAV.
No joke, we had one pilot stub his toe on the center console....They used to get their fingers chopped off on lowering their seats before they had boots put on the scissor lift mechanic....ummmm i think an SO spilled coffee one time?
Well no, there’s still an element of risk to the SR missions... altitude, engine failure... anything of the sort would result in the crewmen in hostile terrirtory.
Apple Juche is my favorite kind of Juche.
“They’re worried we’d be leaning on it all day..”
*whispers* So do I. It’s OK. Besides...Peta Wilson. Just sayin’.
Surface warships do indeed turn off their radars still. One ship, or maybe some planes, operating at a distance from the main group, transmits their detections, while the rest of the group listens without transmitting any acknowledgement. Yes, the enemy will be aware of the one ship or the small group of planes and…
Zumwalt, the Ship of the 90’s...TODAY!
I hate to say that one of those images has been photoshopped. Here’s the unedited version:
As for President Obama’s Oval Office speech last night... we have absolutely nothing new to talk about.