
Why wouldn’t Tyler’s tone turn negative? This administration has created an epic clusterf**k in foreign policy, especially in the Middle East, through either sheer incompetence or through stupefying inaction.

So meta.

Whoa .... who the heck drops leaflets before bombing???

And are we supposed to sit around in a circle jerk and be quiet while Arabs go through the process of discovering democracy?

Didn’t you get the memo? What we’re doing isn’t working, hasn’t been working, isn’t going to work, period.

Just goes to prove, you don’t need to be a Republican to be a Neocon.

Yeah I kinda thought #4 would be the most viable goal, actually. Or the most fun one.

You got a better idea? Let’s hear it, instead of you mouthing off like some turd brain.

Yeah and those actions his father did were against the grandfather of ISIS and Al-Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, which was outlawed in a lot of Middle Eastern countries because of their terrorist actions.

One of my favorite warplanes ever. So industrial. It belongs in a mecha anime cartoon.

How’s these for goals?

Not making excuses for him, but if you were a leader like him in Syria, what choice do you really have but to be an asshole?

No-one’s really buying the excuses for not hitting those massive oil tanker convoys a year ago. At least I hope not, because they’re so full of shit, they could fertilize the Sahara desert and raise bumper crops of corn.

Yo chill bro.

The Obama administration’s goal in Iraq has been to thoughtlessly disengage and hand the whole country to Iran and their Shi’ite militias in Iraq.

The Iraqi government has said it doesn’t want or need U.S. ‘boots on the ground’ in fighting ISIS.

Stop being such a pessimist. It’s not really such a bad thing. It’s coming, man. And it’s going to be beautiful!!!

The world came close to nuclear holocaust five times in history. FIVE times - from the Suez Canal crisis to the 1983 Able Archer Exercise. In the meantime, countries like Pakistan, Israel, India and North Korea have acquired nuclear weapons.

Don’t be a spoilsport. Don’t you wanna see a nuke go off?

I fail to see a “win-win,” primarily because some mushroom clouds are in the way.