
Russia’s gonna turn off the gas! What else could it do?

Woohooo!! Let’s get this party started, yeah??!!

I think BPD is difficult to treat primarily because the pharmaceutical companies are extremely well protected by the law: under the Patient Privacy Act (shorthand for HIPAA of 1996) very very few people can access a patient’s medication history, especially if it involves mental health.

What exactly are those pills?

See, that’s the thing tho. Like with a lot of drugs, over the long term, a person develops tolerance or resistance to them. You end up needing bigger and bigger doses of those benzodiazipenes than before. You need more and more Ambien to sleep every night (and I know that from experience .... I used to take it

That’s a good point. I never saw it that way. Thanks!

Yes, that’s why we’re using it for space launches, isn’t it?

Yeah but at least it’s all gonna play out like a Tom Clancy novel. It’ll be fun!

Someone criticized Canada? What did Canada say?

Sigh .... I wanna see a mushroom cloud!! It’s been so long since Hiroshima!!

Why would they do that? On the other hand, Turkey is keeping its air force away from the border, and all coalition-based air strikes in Syria have been apparently put on hold, ever since those S-400’s went online in Syria and Russia said it was arming its birds and providing fighter escorts to all sorties.

I dunno ... the Russians do seem to have a leg up on rocket technology. NASA contracts space launches to them because the Russians have figured out how to do it safer and cheaper using those RD-180 rocket engines that the U.S. envies so much. Of course NASA has been begging Congress for years now for money to develop

That R-77 looks nice. Love those lattice-like tail fins it’s got. Gotta wonder though if those fins do a good job.

I’d take an awesome asshole over lovable mediocrity any day.

You fail to understand that to reach that level of sports where you’re getting paid MILLIONS to play, having a massive ego is mandatory.

She’s obviously mentally un-well. But she’s clearly (to me) also abusing psychiatric medications.

Sheik Erdogan is done, man. The U.S. is now demanding Turkey close its border with Syria. It’s become a major embarrassment now that it’s getting more and more clear each day that Turkey is really supporting ISIS. ISIS will fall, and its prisoners will start singing that Turkey and Erdogan were their handlers all

I don’t know about that. Don’t know about USAF’s ECM/EW capabilities, but from the U.S. Army viewpoint, check out this story about their experience in Ukraine:

Yeah it’d be really interesting to see how those S-400’s perform in actual combat, and see if any countermeasures are effective against it.

Those S-400’s aren’t much to look at either but everyone seems to be just totally ‘ssessing about them nowadays LOL.