
Southern Mississippi 

Never wear a cup in football. This, if true, was just a coincidence. Having your balls crushed between your cup and leg is more likely than this scenario.  Cups are for small projectiles like basballs etc. 

That’s not the actual reason. Imagine your huevos getting pinned between the hard plastic cup and your thigh as a large man slams all of his wait on you. This could Ben life changing. It is more of a risk to wear one than not in football due to the lack of small projectiles ie baseball. Baseballs to your groin is

Humble brag

How did you feel when teams began to not take extra bases on passed balls, wild pitches, etc.?

Then vs Than. If you use words like comported THEN you should learn the difference rather THAN sounding ignorant.

Power alleys amirite

I once saw Michael J Fox dressed up like a dug playing hoops.

YEah. I was like, “Oh Greene with an e!”

I hear you but Hackenberg didn't really impress

I bet the remember, his name was Robert Paulson

I read that first line as, ‘I’ve tried, but my concussion...’. 

Lance Armstrong: but can you cycle on a cycle

I thought for a min it might be Tebow but then I remembered he's not into thet

How do you know this club caddy doesn’t offer the things you laid out? Do you know this Ortiz guy, personally? Maybe he is not Kuchies swing doctor but he could probably offer advice. Also, do the tour caddies, that are more highly sought after get larger payouts than the customary 10-15? Pay the dude or carry your

I taped my thumb and pinky together. It was awkward

I use an axe to split wood that is up to 12" in diameter. I am not extraordinary 

Oso Spooky

Alumni is plural 

Pics or it didn't happen