
What region are you from?  I ask because you spell behavior with a U. Just curious

Serious. . . Question here. What do you think about Jameis?

I am still hoping he doesn’t wake up one morning

Blah blah rabbit ears 

O.R. you sure?

Flexyour Cox would be so proud


This story has FULLY developed 


It was weed

Chris, it's a strike

Are you making a point about how the author said ‘an actual ranked team in UCF...’?

This guy is clueless he has never been hit by a 74 mph fastball much less seen a 94 mph from the left side 

I read the note to the Dear Folks as; ‘I passed (died). Send money. Love, Son”

Left handed?!?

Huevos rancheros


Smear Some Poo

Do yourself a favor and not look into it