
Nearby neighbourhood parks tend to be within walking distance. Unless the suburbia one has the misfortune to reside in is a maze of houses and winding roads? Even concrete jungles are spattered with green spaces which are accessible with urban public transport. So I'm left wondering what does not having a car have to

They’re so young! God I feel so old and unaccomplished, while these beautiful babies are at the Olympics kicking ass

I often get “bossy” even though I promise I’m working on my delivery but if I’m in a position of giving orders, well then I almost hope I’m somewhat bossy. Anyways the first really resonated with me.

I used to tell ppl to take a xanax and sit the fuck down, but an acquaintance just died from an overdose and its quite raw still. So please don’t take a xanax. Do some yoga and meditate or whatever floats your boat. Thanks 😇

It could be. Some companies blend their products with other herbs or ingredients so as to result in more variation of shades. Or else perhaps try adding coconut oil or even olive oil to the paste to make it extra moisturizing.

You should try Henna! Its a natural plant powder dye that dyes your hair either reddish, brown or black. You can find it at your pharmacy (drugstore) or try an ethnic shop (middle eastern or Indian will have it).

I’m glad they are revising this law. Just hope they have a discussion with models and fashion execs alike to explain why this law is in place. Unreal body expectations begins in childhood and continues all the way through old age. Presenting young girls with images of rail thin women reinforces the ideology that the

He is definitely the product of his social upbringing. Where I live, most people speak two languages fluently, and education is not only important it’s accessible. People don’t have to attend elite or private schools to get a quality education, in fact much of the curriculum is the same in private and public high

If you can ignore his accent, and listen to the words, he definitely makes more sense and has a much richer vocabulary than most american politicians. I even enjoyed the fact that he paused to reflect and to construct full sentences.

Coco is my everything! Sam honestly doesn’t impress me that much tbh, but both characters together in the show makes everything so damn good!!

Its a learning experience. Avoid finance bros like the plague.

Same! And when I tried to veer the conversation away from finances and whatnot he keep going back to it in order to mainsplain why he’s so rich. Anyways that’s what i get for trying out OKC

I find this language point extraaaa stupid. I guess its a NYC thing, but where I’m from if you’re not at least bilingual then you are unemployable almost.

It is a universal truth that this dress is blue and black. However, I’m a lark, have been since a kiddo so I don’t feel accepted by these results. I’m an outlier on so many fronts :(

I don’t fit in the results either so I’m feeling like an outlier :(

What a beautifully small world! 😊

*awkwardly inserts self into conversation*

That’s a really interesting POV. From what I understand the NY royalty are big into donations and hosting benefit galas, so if Trump isn’t doing the same, it just keeps him outcast. And I doubt he could ever host an event that wasn’t about himself, so he’ll stay an outsider till the end of days.

Ha! Total coincidence! Glad we have our own interpretation of Betty Crocker

As a Canadian; we don’t want their stinking milk, and we don’t want their stinking cows either.