
The suspect, described as a Pasadena man in his 20s,...

3 kitchens and I didn't see 1 lunch pail. smh

Jesus Chris!

Captain America is #1, as he should be. I'll admit, I never thought that I'd fall in love with his character (especially since his superhero name is just SO AMERICA), but I did, and it completely changed the way I judge heroism.

Call me crazy, but perhaps the lady standing on the side of a two lane road, in the middle of a dark light condition snow storm, shining a blaring white light, might cause just a little distraction for drivers on the road. Just a thought.

As a new parent and also a Browns fan, I did the opposite and filed a restraining order to keep them away from my kid.

Whoa! Let's not jump to conclusions. Not all Ravens are wife beaters and murderers.

Oh vanilla WOW. How I miss it.

Back before the pvp changes went in on polymorph, I played a mage. Like all noob villages, goldshire was perpetually being duel-spammed by some jerk around level 12 or 13. It was truly annoying. So I parked my level 60, MC-Geared out mage outside the inn at goldshire and waited.


Created an account just to write this.

(Warning: about to turn into a Francis who desperately needs to lighten up.)

I'm guessing that's a clip from one of those "Orioles Classics" games that MASN shows from time to time.

First of all thank you Jason for taking the time to explain the purpose of those lines. While most Jalops realize that they are there so that folks in wheelchairs can have extra space especially if they need to deploy a ramp, it seems far too many people just think they are an "extra space."

My daughter died in 2011 when she was five from a malignant brain tumor.

Sometimes, when the atmospheric conditions in Arizona are just right, the fire alarm levers pull themselves.

How many active grandfathers have been in the big leagues?

I'd like to see that litigated. Consumers are asked to sign all kinds of non enforceable things these days.

Changing a character's ethnicity (or sex) has no clear formula for success. Ultimately it's about changing things up and making you think about that character in a different light. And bringing a wealth of experience that otherwise wouldn't have come through.

A clear example of that would be Nick Fury in Captain

So is the Chicago Bears Organization but no one goes after them

''Without these things being corrected, I don't think basketball will be something I can even do.''