
“Special Purpose Acquisition Companies” are a special feature of late-stage Capitalism, and part of the Private Equity bag of tricks for extracting blood from a stone. You create a company with no actual business, but sell shares in it none the less. You use the money from selling the shares to buy something. If you

Wait, you mean like Brisco County Jr, Farscape, Sliders, and Xena? Because you make it sound like that’s a bad thing and that seems like the best of all worlds to return to.

Uncle Baby Billy!

Baby Billy Freeman is a masterpiece. 

He will very likely be the best thing about the series.

I guess he was the White Power Ranger all along, huh.

Rape is rape. There is no good rape and bad rape. It is all bad. Rape is not a tool of reformation or an instrument of revenge. We are not Tate.

It’s typically the way fraudsters get caught. They get away with something once and assume it will keep working. The longer it works, the more they push it until you get situations like this one.

Pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered.  You got greedy, Dawn.

I simply don’t understand how these universally reviled characters with what is practically an infinite amount of money don’t just shut the hell up and go away to do literally anything they want. Absolute freaks.

Sometimes you see a headline you wouldn’t have randomly predicted, but that also comes as absolutely no surprise.

Underlings?  That’s a scummy take.

Easy way to stop that. Just stop having relationships with your underlings. You’re enabling the issue, and taking advantage. 

Now playing

All this shit happened the last time I parked here.

Pardon me; I should specify - under what actual legal theory of liability?

I can’t help wondering if there is some misogyny in this and a lot of other criticisms of the season. Honestly, it may be my favorite season of the show. 

Maybe people don’t like being non-consenting participants in some tech jagoff’s public experiment. Set them all on fire.

That’s a lot of wasted words just to tell everyone you’re a cunt.

Jalopnik sucks.