
Wow, even back then the Raiders sucked. They're like the atomic clock of the NFL.

What, no ODB water bill?

"Well, after being a huge college football star who generated a shitton of income for my university while technically not being paid at all, I'm honored to be part of a system where a bunch of billionaire's toys tell me where I'll be allowed to ply my trade. I humbly ask my franchise and my sponsorship benefactors to

Good for him. He made a fun game, he didn't rip anyone off. He's earned his money.

Obviously an attorney (who specializes in automotive law) will see more of this than a dealer. Steve is correct, it happens, and his articles are useful information and are not advertisements for his practice. Consider that the vast majority of readers he speaks to don't reside in Michigan, he writes these for our

Siddhartha. It is a somewhat short and easy-to-read book, but it is very well written in a honest tone. I think many different people can enjoy it despite the ways they see the world :)

For younger readers in my life who I am hoping to open the door to fantasy fiction. I loved these books and they are a fun read. Now I know there is a lot more YA Fantasy Lit out there now, but these still have their place.

"... and then i stole untold mineral wealth from an impoverished pre-industrial people!"

Prince William: "I never knew the NBA was socially aware, everyone is doing 'HANDS UP! DON'T SHOOT.'"

In defense of the committee, TJU's strong Shomer Shabbat Policy caused them to forfeit most of their schedule.

As if I needed another reason to love Terry Crews.