Sam Greenaum

The Birds, and The Bees!

"A Touch Of Cloth" was more realistic. Really let down by this one. Mostly because the incredulity of the whole thing. So much of it (and not JUST the robot bees, I have more!) was complete nonsense. Not just to experts in robot insects, but anyone who knows a bit about science and technology, or computers.

The accuracy of the tech was nonsense. The robot bees couldn't self-replicate. You can't make microchips from pollen. Computer processor and memory production plants are hundreds of times cleaner than operating theatres, or else the chips wouldn't work. They vapourise silicon compounds into columns of the pure

He never denied it, he looked guilty, and he was incredibly upset over something as simple as being caught wanking. There's also the "justification" behind it. His tormentors decided he was an acceptable victim, because he was, just barely, a paedophile. So all the rules of humanity go out the window, and we can

White Bear is also sadism, and partly about something I saw someone write the other day. Most Germans in the 1930s weren't fanatical Nazis. But enough of them didn't care enough, that evil triumphed.

I have, pretty much as soon as I could see them. San Junipero is the exception, in that it's fairly happy. Although they are all dead, which isn't *that* happy when you think about it.

No, but that's mostly because Torchwood is garbage. The one with Cap'n Jack's early history etc and that thing at the centre of the Earth? Yeah it was pretty terrible, as was all of Torchwood. I watched most of Children of Earth and a few of the series episodes. Was pretty shit. RTD hasn't got it in him to write stuff

She was supposed to be relieved of her obsession with meaningless fake popularity, that was the happy ending. It had to be severe because nothing else would have worked. The fact she's now completely unable to live, because the world runs on utterly stupid principles, is a little bit of a problem with the script. But

Well, they'd have to eat us to get the chemical energy, then we'd be dead.

The bit of Surface Detail at the end, when you find out what hardware the hells are running on, is complete nonsense. The hardware in question would never be fast enough. However big it was, the "clock rate" was too slow to get anything at all done at a speed similar to real time. It would've taken millennia for

Because the idea of using people as batteries is utterly nonsensical, as every geek knows. Originally in The Matrix, people were going to be used as computing elements. But studio idiots decided that was too complicated for audiences, so they made them power packs instead. And completely ignored Conservation Of

I think the point about us having to accept it, is to address the argument that Kelly didn't really go to SJ, and that she's just a fake, made by the computer, to make Yorkie happy.

If Lacie had ended up a 3.4 like her brother (or whatever) she wouldn't have learned the lesson. Which ultimately is more than worth the price. She's stopped chasing after meaningless ratings, and discovered the value in being your sincere, true self. And telling people to fuck themselves now and then.

The goths are all on a different server, a wet weekend in Whitby. They're fine. They're happy as clams. By which I mean they're very unhappy.

"We" (the West, mostly the USA) didn't win the Cold War! It's almost entirely down to Gorbachev, and the mission he set himself, at great difficulty, to open up and reform the Soviet Union. As well as to finally take on the problem of imminent nuclear armageddon, that had been hanging around since not long after 1945.

Because they're intelligent human beings, and while they've spent their careers satirising and exaggerating human folly, creating ridiculous parodies of people's worst behaviour, even they couldn't believe he was going to fucking win! That's why.

OK I just realised… The trolls keep meeting under a bridge…

She's probably really filthy in bed.

Wow, Yoko releasing an unbearable recording on a world that didn't actually ask, thanks.

SUAD was a great episode. You don't watch Black Mirror to make you feel warm and fuzzy. They're all pretty horrifying. Except San Junipero, Charlie showing us he can write stuff that isn't horrible when he wants to. White Bear was brilliant, it was about the public, not the protagonist.