Sam Greenaum

As a materialist, by definition you agree with it being a happy ending, and the simulated people being "as good as" biological people. Or "biologically-simulated people" you might say.

Sleep isn't a break in consciousness. Though having taken loads of different drugs, I have a different view of what consciousness is compared with most people. I'm very much of the view it's an artefact of brain processes. Sometimes you can even catch some of them while they're running, just before the illusion kicks

It was just the necessary kick in the teeth for it to be a Black Mirror episode. You see them together after Kelly finally goes "full time" and you think "they could be happy forever!"

It's new media, baby! In the future expect more like this. There's already a few high-budget limited series been released over Netflix. It's only going to grow.

Shrive's ultimate purpose? To fuck with people. Because it entertained them. The interim acts were to make Kenny guilty of even more serious crimes. To fuck his life up much more. Use the video to force him to rob a bank, use the bank robbery to force him to commit murder. Then film the whole thing, and he's really,

I'm guessing he's at least 18 from the fact he works and isn't in education.

That song's not by Beck! It's "Everybody's gotta learn sometime" by The Korgis, from 1981. The original is well worth listening to, the whole album "Dumb Waiters" has some great songs. Heavy synth use, hence "Korg"is, but not cheesy like later synth pop.

She was two. TWO! Life experience is the raw material of wisdom. My brain was functioning fairly well at the age of, say, 10, but I didn't have the life experience to let unbearably smug hamster-cheeked aliens fuck me. Even if they wanted to.

Who said I don't have a depraved sexual life? Inner and outer, fantasy and reality, when I get a chance. Cos I pretty much have.

One of many reasons why people hate him.

I don't fantasise about fucking women whose IQs are so sub-normal that they're psychologically equivalent to children. Keep on diggin' it if you do, but I'm with the uptight weirdoes here.

You've forgotten Star Trek Voyager. Well done on that, btw, I know it's a difficult and traumatic process. But you've forgotten it, the planet where Kes is from where they're all 2 years old and have full adult sex-having bodies. Neelix starts going out with her, which means as well as looking and acting like a

Alkalis are bitter. There aren't really any foods that contain a lot of alkaline though. Bicarbonate of soda would probably be the closest, and it is mildly bitter.

It's rare, but a shortage of iodine in your diet can be very bad for you. There was a place in China, about a century ago, called "The Valley Of The Cretins". Most of the people had medical Cretinism. I forget it's "nice" name. It was all for the want of a tiny amount of iodine, which their local soil unusually was

1. "Cuppliance". Not "Cuumpliance"! Cup + compliance.

I think she was free to turn down the porn job. And go back to her horrible life pedalling all day and watching adverts all night, sleeping in a cubicle in a giant sweat factory. Fucking for money might actually be preferable to that. The money and hours would be much better. She'd have a much better standard of

The bit about an angry man, criticising the media, and then ending up getting a job, his own TV show, doing exactly that, is basically Charlie Brooker's actual life. Charlie's made a fair success out of it too, moving on from things like Screenwipe to having 3 series of his own creation (Black Mirror) so far. You're

The men don't appear to be doing noticably better. No more patriarchy, yeah! Good job!

They got him a stage at a time. By the time it came to the final fight, he was already a bank robber. Hector pressured him into robbing the bank. In the last fight, the other guy was ready to kill him, so our lad didn't have a choice.

It might not be innate, as in "born this way", which I'm pretty sure is bullshit all over. But yep, formative experiences.