Sam Greenaum

If you're saying he's a paedophile because he can't get an adult partner, I don't think that's how it works. His boss at work is obviously interested in him. She flirts a little, or at least shows interest, increasing each time.

That's not how people work, Max.

You sure? Conservatives hate shitloads of things, have you got a list? That'd be very handy, at last we'd all know where we stand.

True. It's reported there's times Reagan thought he was playing the President in a movie. He was three-quarters senile. He made decisions based on what Nancy's numerologist told him. And the West had actual nukes pointed at us from the USSR. Fortunately we had Gorbachev to save us all.

They didn't ask him to confess. They led him to believe he could get away with it, if he just did a couple of small favours, while keeping the pressure heavily on him.

You know gay's a real thing, right? And they really do suck penises? It's not just something 8 year olds made up to call people.

I dunno if they're androgynous. Short hair, yes. But wearing big bulky square-shouldered outfits was what everyone did in the 80s. Every woman had clothes with padded shoulders.

The show's British. We're not as obsessed over race as Americans are.

Actually with most memory loss, including Alzheimer's, the earliest memories are generally the last to go. Sometimes people revert back to living out their younger days. So SJ would actually be well suited to it. As well as everyone being immune from physical harm (I suppose the pain slider is for the pervs in the

Maybe those are the bodies they wear to go clubbing, and sex-having in. For a game of bowls maybe they change into something more dignified.

They don't say she isn't, there's white Muslims. That said though I assumed Christian, there's plenty of those just like her family.

Complete History Of You is a bit annoying. Basically complete twat gets what's coming to him. Good. Should have slit his throat with that blade.

80s films always have nerds being shot down by the nerdy-but-beautiful girl. If he wasn't there, the 80s simulation just wouldn't work.

Sure they're copies, but what difference does that make? The copying
creates a second authentic person, then the fleshy one dies, leaving
one authentic person. What do you think consciousness *is*?

Kelly didn't have long left, Yorkie was completely unable to move a muscle. They were both old. So their deaths weren't so bad, compared to what it brought them.

Actually that's an interesting point, Max Headroom is a man (Edison Something?) who died and ended up in a computer, but in his case it was more of an accident. As well as murder.

They probably wear thin. You'd have the entire bar groaning at you. The entire simulation.

Especially since Young Kelly is English. Good accent work!

FWIW, "can you just make it easy for me" is something that applies to relationships with the opposite sex, too. Or it can if you're a massive geek. I'm bi, relationships with men or women are much more similar than they are different. Some stuff you think is "gay" is actually just relationships, and the human

The barriers are to stop people neglecting their real life for San Junipero. That, and apparently too much SJ makes you a blank, staring goon. But I think everyone can go there once they eventually die. You can always build more computers, they'll be even cheaper by then than they are now.