Sam Greenaum

Or else Greg got off on watching people die, and that's why he works in a hospital. Could be, just sayin'.

You did watch the credits, right?

If there's a real heaven, then real Kelly went there anyway. She's still dead. But if there isn't, she's got the nearest thing available.

White Bear was awesome! And you get ONE happy ending per Black Mirror. Altogether I mean, all series. That's it, that was the happy one.

Is that a trick question?


Black Mirror. San Junipero if you want to live, Shut Up And Dance if you want to finish yourself off.

You win the Internet.

What kind of insult is calling someone a self-hating queer? "You are so gay"! Logic's been having a hard enough time today, don't kill it off for good.

He's a successful businessman!

Fucking hell, next time! Give the country a chance, Hillary, and for all that's decent, don't fucking run!

Hillary was awful. Trump is worse, but they're both awful.

>I think at the very least that if the electoral and popular votes
>don't match up then they should defer to the popular vote.

Kids don't remember what happened for 40 years the last time we tried that. And what nearly happened for a few days in the 60s. Although that's just failure to learn history.

Of course. Applies to the SS and Al Qaeda too. If only I'd had the intelligence and capability to do something I find reprehensible and morally wrong. And the strength of character!

I imagine the photo was scanned in, or it was a digital photo to start with. Probably came from Kelly's file collection. In the future everyone will keep their pictures on computer. And by "future" I mean now, or 3 years ago.

At FIRST I did, but on second viewing it all makes sense. I like a story like that.

There's the question of how much she can feel. Maybe she's intrigued by not being able to feel the rain. Kelly can't taste her cigarette while she's still just a tourist. And the sand on Yorkie's feet seems to be a new sensation, after she goes full resident. So you only get the full set of sensations once you're part

Ah, the driving game! Well spotted! And well spotted the surgery guy too. I realised the same thing about him today, but then I only saw the episode a couple of days ago.

Yup, the basic decision was somewhat-alive now, then dead forever, or just dead forever. Kindof a no-brainer really. I'd spend forever in a Star Trek convention if it was my only choice.