Sam Greenaum

From the perspective of the copy, he'd go to the brain-uploading centre, plug in, then immediately wake up in the virtual world. Biological you would die. But you'd both be exactly the same person, assuming there's nothing to consciousness beyond the brain, and the emulation is faithful.

Wait, I'm confused about the movie. So the cops KNEW that internal affairs were setting them up?

I love Doolittle and some of their other songs, so I'm a medium Pixies fan. Played Doolittle over and over and over and over when I got it. The other albums not so much, though there's still some great songs.

It's been Terrence Trent D'Arby (Wishing Well) for me. I liked it the first time round though, as a kid.

I think that might have something with autistics and conservatives both not liking change.

Could be worse. Could be Family Guy.

Blame Canada.

They didn't try to force him to turn himself in. They forced him to rob a bank then commit murder.

She seemed happy! She was smiling.

What if some old Greek guy had a boat?

He was there to deliver the "different endings" line, and because every 80s film has a nerd.

Charlie Brooker was 16 in 1987. I was a few years younger. As far as the nostalgia goes, this is the movie version, super-80s 80s. The 80s weren't really that 80s at the time. Like Kelly said, most of these people probably got their outfits from watching movies, and their attitudes too.

SJ was available for Kelly's husband. He chose not to, because their daughter died before SJ. She was 39, Kelly was 72. So subtract to get 32, and however many years before 32 that Kelly had Allison, that's when Allison died and they had no SJ. So I think yep, SJ is quite new.

>Is there any gay character in
fiction that doesn't have their life ruined by
> evil religious parents?

Well, he started uploading his consciousness. Damn 28k modems. Any day now…

Maybe they had a chance to talk it over the next week. Might be why Kelly changed her mind. Maybe Yorkie understood and respected Kelly's decision and learned to shut up about it. Or maybe Kelly decided right there and then after a bit of a sit down.

Was nice to have 1 single happy ending in the whole series! Kelly could've died, then it'd have been a love story that ended with death and we'd go away thinking "bummer" and contemplating on life's pointless and random cruelty. A happy ending was nice, especially since they're both basically dead.

Fuck off with the "SJW" nonsense. They're just queer. If you think the point of the ending was that lesbians are great… well, you're stupid.

They were both dying anyway. Kelly had terminal cancer and Yorkie relied on a machine to live at all. Technically Yorkie could have carried on a few more years but San Junipero was the only thing she ever did.

Couple of things I've noticed second time round…