Sam Greenaum

The ambiguity is the POINT of the story! I have sympathy towards Kenny. I also think he's pretty disgusting for wanking over kids. It isn't good vs evil, it's evil vs another kind of evil, and nobody in it is entirely evil anyway.

No he didn't! You're supposed to think about these episodes you know. Charlie doesn't spoon-feed you emotions for you to react to.

Because his wife would kick him out, and mothers generally get to keep the kids (and the house). Particularly if her lawyer paints him as the sleazy type who's always consorting with prostitutes, even if that's not true.

True. Wasn't as big a technical fail as the robot bees though!

I think the casual little sniff, which was well executed, was just to check for remnants of jizz on his fingers.

You've probably done it by now, but San Junipero is wonderful! It's the TV show I came closest to crying at, in my entire life.

I think it's the case that Hector was just looking to fuck a prostitute. Or else his wife would've certainly mentioned.

Well I'm glad somebody learned something from that horrible experience!

Ironically, if it was just child porn on his computer, and he hasn't actually abused any children (which is how I read it), he probably wouldn't even be looking at a custodial sentence.

Forensics could perhaps get a copy of the text message from the phone company, or perhaps the Sinister Department Of Surveillance keep copies of all texts. But it was a pretty insubstantial 2-word message on purpose. Sure you can't delete it completely, but it removes it from casual discovery. It's a lot harder to get

I think he wanted it to be done by society's own hand. In particular, literally the hand of Shaun Lee, who worked for the government department that used the bees for mass surveillance. Having him be the one who pressed Enter, and brought about the beepocalypse, makes a nice point.

There's software nowadays that does swarming. Actually it goes back decades to early AI research with "boids", which proved a few simple rules can produce complex swarming behaviour. Now that's built-in to the stuff they do CGI modelling for TV and films with. So not as clever as you'd think. And of course it'd be

I didn't cos I was too busy fapping to piss porn. But I would've. Doesn't hurt someone if I masturbate over them in the privacy of the women's toilets.

The episode did though. The point is, Trump is another element of people wanting to regress to infancy. People want a Big Daddy who says "fuck all that", and will fix everything for us simply by being big, our Dad, and kicking some ass.

The bees use face recognition, right? So put a pillow case over your head! Or a pair of blue contact lenses and a bit of a drastic haircut will do, apparently. Can't believe they knew about the face rec, but never thought of covering faces. The bees aren't geniuses.

Member the 90s? Member?

TFA, in which Han Solo, Princess Leia, and some randos, have to destroy a great big round orbital thing that destroys planets. FOR LIKE THE FIFTH FUCKING TIME!

The song is "Tjing Tjang something something", give it a Google.

That phrase actually sums up everything that's wrong with modern American society. Those South Park guys are sharp.

I like how their membering is so limited. It's pretty much just Star Wars. And how there weren't as many coloured people. Even our culture's nostalgia is barren. Star Wars is about the only good thing of the last few decades to reminisce about. Nostalgia used to be much better.