Sam Greenaum

I think a lot of Trump's support comes from people who are sick of the PC oppression people think exists. In actuality the USA is very right-wing by any other country's standards. But since right-wingers learned to whine and pretend they're a minority, every bigoted idiot thinks they're being oppressed by PC.

Wait, am I the only person here old enough to member Bill Hicks? I remember the AV Club back when it started, and it was better.

Wasn't it (the great, etc) Bill Hicks that Garrison was doing? Not Dice Clay. I half-remember the exact "I'm sorry…" bit from some old routine of his.

We're sure that picture was taken BEFORE Udo died, right?

Back in the day, their fans were young and poor. Now they've all aged a bit, they all have a lot of disposable income for this sort of thing. You can't blame the Pixies a bit. As the article says, they made great albums, for years and years. Frank's been working with bands non-stop since before the Pixies started. If

Possibly the only computer game more useless than a fruit machine simulator.

Yep. If the offer is less than the average money left in play, don't take the offer. And it's always less. Because nobody wants to see somebody take a reasonable offer in the first round. Tho if they do, in the British version and I suppose the foreign ones, they then have to play the game through in pretend-mode,

Too smug, no bite. From a company that does something as worthwhile and necessary to society, as providing stock footage to buffer scene cuts. Yeah, you tell 'em!

FWIW, canned laughter is still real laughter. Recorded from some sitcom long in the past. Apparently shows use the same old tracks, over and over, going back to the 1950s. So in many sitcoms, most of the people you hear laughing are DEAD!