

Look, obviously I want to learn the identity of the A-list celebrity pedophile before anyone else. Indeed, this is basically my right as a voracious online tabloid reader.

Tom Cruise, his family is scientology.

“The closeted perv has never come out as gay”

Because he very well may not be; being a child predator /= gay. Abusive sex is about power, not identity.

Tamron Hall fucking destroyed this idiot. She’s basically Ann Coulter 2.0. I used to read her shit on Mediaite and she was possibly their stupidest columnist, although Joe Concha also wrote for them, so that’s a toss-up.

No worries, irony yes!

There are Muslims being shot and beaten on the street and hate crimes have risen, to say it is not so bad is ignoring what is really happening. Most people do not know that Trump is clown, the polls at the moment are very close and Clinton should be leading by a larger margin.

Not excusing this jackass, but the context of her islamophobia may be different from your garden variety type. Albania was an Ottoman province for centuries. People who have lived in the former Ottoman Empire have a few sequellae they aren’t rid of.

Oh — Emirjeta Xhelili? Of the Mayflower Xhelilis?

The team’s owner, Bill Lynch, said that he decided to silence Rapinoe’s protest because he didn’t want to “subject our fans and friends to the disrespect such an act would represent.”

I agree. Bill Lynch’s grandstanding and performing a disrespectful act by denying Megan Rapinoe’s right to peacefully protest as she sees fit was definitely lacking nuance.

Aww did the protest make you feel uncomfortable? Next time black people better ask if you’re ok with it first before protesting.

White hypocrites: “Black people should protest peacefully, not loudly in the streets.”

God his take on affirtimativd action was cringe worthy to say the least but even with some of his stands and ruling I just don’t have it in me to celebrate someone death because they are a conservative. It probably has a lot to do with how I work with mostly conservative men who I find as good people who I strongly

I offer my condolences to any of the family she had who might have loved her, and my congratulations to anyone who’s suffered under noxious judgment. Farewell Phyllis. You won’t be missed.

It’s sad she won’t see the first woman be elected as US president, but at least there will be at least four years for her to roll in her grave.

Better late than never.


Bye, Phyllis.

Well. I’m now even more excited about this November, how are you guys feeling?