Even just reading this was strangely relaxing.
Even just reading this was strangely relaxing.
I love big weddings as long as there is some free alcohol. Otherwise, huge waste.
YES. I loved him. I also grew up a Kansas basketball fan and eventually went to KU so I was doomed from the start.
Like you said, if someone’s running their mouth, it’s probably fair to quiz anyone a little. Shouldn’t depend much on gender. As a woman, I get quizzed alllll the livelong day about the teams I like even though I am not a loud mouth and it’s very irritating. It’s somewhat satisfying to shut them up, but no one ever…
Yep, this is definitely my life. My favorite is when someone starts a conversation with my husband and me about sports and he’ll defer to me on almost every topic (I have a really good memory) and people just can’t seem to understand it.
How sad must your team be if your submission is mostly bitching about the Falcons. Like, that guy has accepted it from his own team but not others.
These were my thoughts. I don’t know how to feel. I am happy and sad. I am Saad?
The Blackhawks revealed theirs on Instagram yesterday. They looked mostly the same.
Laughed so hard I spilled my coffee all over my desk. Damn you!
That closed?! Only redeemable part of that trip.
I live in a small town and we still operate similarly to how you (and I) grew up. If it weren’t for the racist, neglectful assholes next door it would be glorious.
We had goldfish, but my mom taught that class in another district and those babies were always causing a fuss. I remember one student calling in the middle of the night sobbing because her robot baby malfunctioned and wouldn’t stop crying.
One week?! Like this is anything compared to the first 34 years of my existence. I am having a hard time caring about it. It’s a weird place for me.
Also any game that’s being played to win a car.
As a Blackhawks fan, I’m always a little pissed off to see how much fun the fans are having in Nashville, especially this season. I can only afford to go to the UC if someone takes me or when my boss shares his suite tickets and usually most of the people are too rich and/or boring to have much fun or even pay any…
Yeah, I’m fine with just about anyone else at this point.
That is a beautiful, beautiful man.
I think they posted a letter of his before and I’ve never forgotten the handwriting. It’s...so very neat and off putting.
100% agree
Yeah, if you watch all the games and still follow every season, I don’t care when you started following. Fine with me if it wasn’t until 2010, better than all the assholes who start asking me shit during the playoffs and acting like they know what’s going on.