
"O Superman" — Laurie Anderson

"Call Me" — Blondie

Great one!!

"Pop Muzik," M

"Hit Me With Your Rhythm Stick," Ian Dury & The Blockheads

"Sailing", Christopher Cross

"Royals," Lorde

OK. I'm still not convinced this was an egregious enough example of sexism to warrant notice, or an op-ed…. but I get your points. You're right; putting it the way it was put is somewhat sexist. It's sexist because he is singling her out ONLY because she is a woman. I still don't get how the parenthesis make it

My numbers are, again, rough… but yeah, the difference between them is wild.

"That she is not mentioned outside the parenthesis is marginalization." There are plenty of other hosts with better ratings/a bigger young audience who are also not mentioned outside the parenthesis OR inside the parenthesis! The author made a special point of pointing out one of the females in the business, even if

and Handler is even worse in 18-49 than the rest.

Look, if she had said "The New York Times is guilty of not paying enough attention to late-night shows," that would be one thing (again, though, the article's not supposed to be comprehensive). But sexism is a charge that the writer is not guilty of, in this case; because he's not marginalizing women at all! He's

OK, then where's Pete Holmes, or Arsenio Hall, or Tavis Smiley? They all average around five to six hundred thousand, and don't get a mention in the paragraph!

Uh, no, the reason she's in parenthesis is her ratings suck compared to the others listed! About 500,000 watch Handler, compared to 1.3 mil for Colbert, 2mil-ish for Stewart, and 800,000 to a million for Conan. Those are rough numbers, but Handler's just not in the same league. The article mentioned her as a kind of

Nope, he was occasionally criticized for underseasoning, the same way that Nina was occasionally criticized for overspicing.

Where does it say his food doesn't taste good?? The swordfish didn't taste good. The duck was just inconsistent.

Yeah, maybe. When it comes to finale-shipping, though, personality matters more than talent. Now that I think about it, Stephanie Vs. Nick mighta actually been fun, too: Battle Of The Constantly Sick Neurotics!!!

I watch the show after it's aired online, so the comments sections are already all full by the time I'm done. I loved having this chance to purge my feelings; both to the show and my reaction to the show.

I actually loved the weird elimination thing, I thought it was a really interesting moral choice for Nick to make. Should he be shoehorned into the role of villain, or should he (maybe, unless he won in Last Chance which seems unlikely) go home? I saw the decision as, "I'm a nice person but I'm an asshole in the

Good point. Missed that. Still — in the past, meat inconsistency has often won out over blandness, and the swordfish was bland.