
My mom animated the blue clay-on-glass portion with the raindrops! Awesome to see this featured here.

hilariously late comment, but essentially fair/correct.

Read the article! It's not an intentional edit, it was accidentally uploaded with the dialogue track muted!

Are the people in the comments so knee-jerk prone to criticizing GJI (often richly deserved, although the solution isn't to dismantle but to INTERVIEW SOURCES!!!) that they didn't read the article and realize that this was an *accidentally uploaded official trailer* and not some kind of, IDK, fan remix with pop songs

I can believe the smoke break, what I CAN'T believe is that a 6-year-old knows enough about architecture and geography to understand that a ritzy LA home would be built in the midcentury modern style in the 1960s.

I find there to be delicious dramatic irony in the fact that Peter MacNicol *was* nominated for an emmy, but had the emmy nom revoked because he appeared in this episode (which put him over the limit for a guest actor.) You're a reverse prophet!

Ha! Every time I see you around here I think, "should I make some kind of joke about our avatars' similarities?" but I can never think of a suitable quip.

Ah! Thanks

Well, I'm not entirely sure why this review is only coming out now — the album's been out for a while — but I second the glowing review. The first 5 tracks are just decent B-side type stuff, but the last three tracks are, to my mind, the best, second-best, and third-best wye oak singles. Absolutely smashing. Baltimore

"Despite receiving only a single Emmy nomination for Outstanding Short Form Animated Program"

LOL they hired a band to play lots of music which they could then sample. Different thing. Like… if you hired a wedding band AND a wedding DJ, so the wedding band could play the songs in advance and then the wedding DJ could actually put the record on at the wedding.

Chevalier: "The…paens…ensue. …the most sensitive… kind… shoved… into a… tough… bone-dry… aging… man cave. On the tail end… six grown men… dig at each other… certainly there's more tenderness here… The knives only come out when they're all together." — A.A. Dowd

de la soul literally had to break up because of ridiculous and intrusive sampling laws!! 3 feet high & rising is one of the best albums of all time and it's super hard to hear because the licensing is impossible under the current restrictions.

yes because that's how culture works. i'm boycotting fluorescent lights because daniel mcfarland moore plagiarized alexandre becquerel.


Do I personally care about the Late Show's success or its social media presence? Nah. But this article is *terrific*!! A deep dive into something I didn't notice or know anything about that's clearly well-informed and makes a good point. If you're running an entertainment website in 2016 and have to cowtow to the

First paragraph, you say "As the cancellations rained down, I assumed it would be among the first to go" twice in three sentences. Should fix. :)

"It’s hard to explain why, but it involves incredibly pompous timing in the opening chyron."

I'm seein' double, dontcha know! Four Ewan McGregors, oof-ta!

I haven't commented here in a while and am getting back into the swing of things, but when I used to comment there was a novelty account called "STAGE CANE" or something like that and… let's just say it was one of my most frequent repliers.