
Oof, buddy, are you SURE you didn't want to sound overly hip? Because I hate to tell you…

Ha ha, I assume you meant "watch this show" or "write this" or something, I certainly didn't make the show. I think the "we can't taste it" excuse isn't enough on its own, but certainly when combined with the fact that, hey, Nick did pretty darn well in previous challenges, it's weird how hateful of him so many

All this Top Chef backlash is absolutely ridiculous (well-written article for the most part, though). Nick Elmi didn't get a "villain edit," he got an edit that showed him for a crazier version of who he, probably, is: A nice guy who is a jerk and a control freak in the kitchen, but who gets results, you stupid chief.

Look, I LOVE Sonia Saraiya's writing in most places, but as a first time Top Chef reviewer, there were numerous technical issues and other problems that kept her reviews from being as enjoyable as the AV Club's top Chef coverage has been in the past. If the coverage ratings have been steadily dropping for multiple

The fact that this shows' breakout characters are Paul F. Tompkins and a talking squirrel puppet probably says good things in general.

To brush up on my recent comics history, I've been going through the Eisners for "Best Continuing Series" and reading the books. I just finished 2000 (for comics published in 1999), which was Preacher, Transmetropolitan, Planetary, Top 10, and Promethea.

Th' Club's never really reviewed ongoing stuff; except in Big Issues (which is a little touch-and-go as to whether a series'll get written up or not, since it's only once a week and there are so many good comics.) If there were more comics writers here, it'd be cool to see brief reviews of all or most've the new trade

You were so right about everything, up until that last half-sentence!

Hmm… only 400 comments… posted less'n an hour ago… eh, I can probably just comment whatever and it'll get at least 10 likes, right?

Happy N̶e̶w̶ ̶ Y̶e̶a̶r̶ October 19th!!

Hey, you're back! Embrace the redesign, Bartleby!

A little bit, but where Pi is horrifying, Computer Chess is gutbustingly hilarious (and also a little bit horrifying, but in a FUNNy way!)

Sterile? This is a movie with feral cats in a hotel, a chess computer that starts broadcasting sonograms, and a ROBOT PROSTITUTE!!

Ha ha, someone here actually knows something about chess! Good for you, dude. I was just programming the moves into the Apple Chess app, as a kind of meta take on "Computer Chess."


Thanks for the insightful discussion, buddy! I'm glad you had something to contribute.

No matter what one thought of the film (it's my favorite of the year,) it'd be hard to argue that it's not among the most ANALYZABLE films of the year. So many layers & details, so many possible interpretations…

Do you really think a politician would agree to have a royal publicly killed to keep him from doing so?

So is The New York Times, and they have videos!

i should clarify: The way the story was told, the doling out of the plot, is what is ridiculous. The evil US government man? The sleeping-with-your-rival-then-using-her-secrets-against-her part, which went nowhere? But again, I liked the episode and gave it a B+